Daily Mail

The Archers, an everyday story of one-night stands and STI clinics

- Daily Mail Reporter

THE Archers has not been afraid to ruffle a few feathers in recent times.

And now the Radio 4 soap has threatened to leave some listeners choking on their afternoon tea and biscuits by delving into the issue of sexual health.

This week, those tuning in to the latest events in Ambridge have been introduced to the storyline of Oxford University student Phoebe Aldridge going through STI testing after a one-night stand with a fruit picker.

The 66-year-old soap will continue the story with a pregnancy test and visits to a sexual health clinic.

A BBC spokesman said: ‘The Archers has always sought to reflect different experience­s of everyday life, as well as discussing a wide range of issues, includ- ing sexual health. This storyline reflects the experience of a young woman and the issues that are pertinent to her.’

Phoebe is forced to undergo testing after her dalliance with Latvian lothario Constantin. He later confesses a condom split during their night together, along with revelation­s about other girls he has slept with during the summer.

A concerned Phoebe then has to go through STI testing with a wait of months in order to get the all-clear, as well as a pregnancy test, and confides her worries to her family.

One Twitter user said: ‘Hearing graphicall­y about Phoebe’s condom worry is another low point in decline of the Arch- ers. How low can it sink?’ Another added: ‘Rather odd storyline. A mixture of liberal & quietly moralising.’

A further user suggested the student was being ‘punished’ for her behaviour.

Charities, however, have welcomed the controvers­ial storyline.

Laura Hannah, of Brook clinic, said it ‘is raising vital awareness of very real issues young people face and is making sexual health part of everyday household conversati­on rather than something that is embarrassi­ng or taboo’.

This is not the first time the soap has decided to branch out from its usual genteel image.

Last year listeners were gripped by the programme’s domestic violence plotline, with Rob Titchener’s horrifying abuse of his wife Helen Archer.

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