Daily Mail

Don’t let tax chaos rob YOUR family of childcare perks

As yet another HMRC shambles hits parents, our no-nonsense guide will help you get what you’re owed

- By Victoria Bischoff

PARENTS baffled by the Government’s two new — and very complicate­d — childcare schemes risk losing out on vital perks if they don’t act quickly.

Yesterday the Mail revealed parents fear losing nursery places or being hit with unexpected bills because of delays and technical problems with the taxman’s website and helpline.

Here we explain how to navigate through the chaos and get what you are entitled to.


CURRENTLY, parents get help with childcare costs through a voucher scheme, or free places at nursery.

Since 2010, all children aged three to four, are entitled to 15 hours’ free childcare at a nursery. Typically this is three hours, Monday to Friday.

Families can also save through the Childcare Vouchers scheme, via employers. This began in 1989, and essentiall­y makes childcare payments tax-free.

Money is paid into the account by an employer before tax and National Insurance is deducted. This means basic-rate taxpayers get an extra £32 on every £100 they set aside. Higher-rate taxpayers receive £42.

In 2013 this original scheme was limited to remove part of the perk for higher-rate taxpayers. Now, the maximum basic-rate taxpayers can claim each week is £55, with a maximum annual saving of £930. Higher-rate 40p taxpayers can claim £28, saving around £620 a year.

The vouchers created by the scheme can be used for a range of childcare; from nurseries to nannies and holiday clubs, if they are registered providers and accept them.

The problem with the scheme is that the vouchers are only available through some employers, meaning many workers at smaller firms and the self-employed can’t benefit.


FROM next month the number of free childcare hours for youngsters aged between three and four will double from 15 to 30.

About 390,000 children are set to benefit and the perks are worth roughly £5,000 per child.

This boost is only for those living in England, for the time being. There are different schemes in Scotland and Wales (more below).

A second scheme is replacing childcare vouchers and began in April this year. It entitles parents to a £2 top-up for every £8 that they have saved.

Currently, only those with children aged under four can claim the perk, but by the end of the year those aged up to 12 will be included.

Parents with disabled children aged 17 and under can apply now, and about two million households will be eligible.

The current voucher scheme will come to an end in April next year, but anyone already enrolled on it can continue saving. DON’T GIVE UP ON OLD VOUCHERS PARENTS cannot benefit from both the new tax- free scheme and childcare vouchers. This means that many of them have a difficult decision to make.

Jonathan Watts-Lay, director of Wealth at work, says: ‘Trying to work out which scheme will benefit . ORIGINAL COPY . ORIGINAL COPY . ORIGINAL COPY ORIGINAL COPY

you most is really complicate­d and depends on many variables such as how much you earn, what you spend on childcare each year, how many children you have, how old they are and if both parents work. You must do the maths carefully.’ To be eligible for tax-free savings or the 30 free hours, both parents must work at least 16 hours a week and earn less than £100,000 a year. There are no limits under the childcare vouchers system. This means anyone earning more than £100,000 or families where only one parent works should stick with childcare vouchers. Families with teenagers should also stick to the old scheme as it is valid for those aged up to 15 instead of just 12 under the new scheme. For disabled children the age limit is 17 under the new scheme, and 16 if you’re buying vouchers. If you are self-employed you will have to go for the new scheme as childcare vouchers are only available through employers. After this your decision will come down to how much you can save, which is where it gets complicate­d. Those with very high childcare costs may benefit more under the new scheme as there is a higher limit on how much you can save. With the tax-free scheme you can claim up to £2,000 in top-ups each year, or £4,000 if your child is disa- bled. Under the voucher scheme the maximum saving you can make if you are a basic-rate taxpayer is £933 — or £1,866 if both parents claim Big families may also be better off under the new scheme as the topup is paid per child, so if you had four children you could claim up to £8,000. this is not true with the voucher scheme, the £933 is the maximum you can save regardless of how many children you have. However, those with smaller childcare-bills could benefit more under the existing voucher system. Figures show that the average family in england spends £53 a week on childcare — an annual spend of £2,014 over 38 weeks. this would entitle a family to £403 in top-ups under the new tax-free scheme. However, if both parents claim vouchers instead they could save up to £ 1,866 a year, according to childcare Voucher Providers associatio­n figures.

Hmrc has an online calculator to help parents work out which scheme is more beneficial. Go to gov.uk/ childcare-vouchers-better-off-calculator

if you leave the voucher scheme after april next year you will not be allowed back in so you must be sure before switching.

there is a danger some employers may stop offering childcare vouchers — so check. if you move jobs or stop saving in to the scheme for any reason you will only be able to sign up to the new tax-free childcare deal.

For more informatio­n about paying for childcare and other benefits available visit the childcare choices website ( childcarec­hoices.gov.uk).

all parents in england will continue to get 15 free hours a week regardless of their circumstan­ces.

Some parents with children under two also qualify, such as those claiming job seeker’s allowance, for example.

in Scotland parents with children aged three and four get 16 free hours a week and this is expected to double by 2020.

in Wales, parents receive ten hours a week but the Government is already trialling a new scheme offering 30 hours in some areas.


YOU must register for both the savings scheme and the 30 hours free childcare online through an Hm revenue & customs website called the childcare Service.

only one parent per child can claim the benefits.

First, you need to set up a username and password. Hmrc will then email or text you a 12- digit number called a Government gateway user ID. if you have already signed up for self-assessment you should already have one of these and can use the same one. to set up your childcare account you will then need to enter basic personal informatio­n including both parents’ National insurance numbers. You’ll also need payslips and proof of identity. once the account is set up you’ll be told if you are eligible via text. You’ll need a separate account for each child — but can manage each using the same log-in details. once accepted for tax- free childcare you can start paying money into your account via a oneoff card payment or by setting up a direct debit. Hmrc will then add its share. Family members, such as grandparen­ts, can also contribute. to use the cash your nursery or childminde­r must be registered. Find them on the list of providers and link your account to theirs. each child will have a unique reference code so the provider knows you’ve paid. You can take the money you have saved out of the account at any time but you will not get the topup. For the 30 free hours you will receive a code to give to your childcare provider. it will use this to apply for the funding for your child’s place from the local authority. the code should start with ‘500’ and you should be able to see it when you log into the Hmrc website.


SINCE it was launched in april Hmrc’s computer system has been plagued with technical problems.

Parents have been unable to log into the website and are missing out on vital savings because they can’t set up an account.

When they have, families find that the website has blocked them from releasing the money to their chosen childcare provider.

meanwhile, with the peak September rush for nursery places just days away, furious parents say long delays at Hmrc mean they are still waiting for approval of their applicatio­n for 30 hours’ childcare. this is preventing them confirming their child’s place at nursery.

Parents are also fast discoverin­g when that promise of 30 free hours of childcare a week is not quite as good as it first seems.

the free hours are only available for 38 weeks of the year — the equivalent of school term times.

this means if parents need yearround childcare they will have to pay more for the other 14 weeks.

to help parents budget more easily, many nurseries allow them to ‘stretch’ the free hours over more weeks. For example, the current 15-hour policy works out at 570 hours a year. if a parent took these over 45 weeks of the year instead of 38 they would get about 12-and-ahalf hours a week rather than 15.

Under the 30-hour scheme you’ll get 1,140 free hours. You must check what your nursery or childminde­r allows as all have different policies.

the free hours can be split between more than one nursery as long as you don’t exceed your weekly allowance. and parents cannot use more than ten free hours on any one day.

additional hours will be paid for at a nursery’s usual hourly rate. Nurseries may also charge additional fees for meals and nappies. Providers should offer parents the option of sending in a packed lunch.

it is not mandatory for childcare providers to offer parents 30 free hours. So if yours doesn’t offer the scheme you may have to find a new one for your child.

You also have to wait until the term after your child’s third birthday to claim. So if they were born in September you won’t be able to get the free hours until the following January.

You also need to ‘ reconfirm’ you are still eligible for the perks every three months. this should just involve ticking a box to say nothing has changed, rather than going through the whole process again. But you must remember to do this.


if you haven’t had a code yet and are worried about getting it in time for the September term call Hmrc’s helpline: 0300 123 4097. they can give this to you over the phone.

many parents trying to use the helpline are reporting long waiting times. the helpline is open from 8am to 8pm, monday to Friday; 8am to 4pm on Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sundays and bank holidays. try to avoid calling at peak times. readers often say ringing first thing in the morning is best.

if you have been hit by computer problems and delays when applying for the tax-free childcare scheme you can still claim any top-ups that you’ve missed in one lumpsum payment.

Hmrc says you may be able to claim if you were unable to complete your applicatio­n, have not been able to access your account or not received a decision about whether you’re eligible, without explanatio­n, for more than 20 days.

the taxman has also said it will consider covering reasonable costs caused by the service not working.

to claim, you need to send a brief descriptio­n of the problems you’ve had, copies of receipts for payments to your childcare provider, your full name, home address, national insurance number and bank details to: childcare Service, Hm revenue & customs, BX9 1Gr.

if you are eligible, Hmrc will write to you and make a payment directly into your bank account.

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