Daily Mail

Writing brothers starring on BBC and ITV

- By Katherine Rushton Media and Technology Editor

MOST TV drama writers are desperate to tune in when a programme they’ve created eventually gets broadcast.

But the decision of what to watch was far less simple for co-writing brothers Jack and Harry Williams last night.

The pair had two new series going headto-head in the prime time ratings – so rather than choose which one to watch live, they agreed to spend the evening in the pub.

Rellik aired at 9pm on BBC1, while Liar premiered on ITV at the same time. And to make the stakes even higher, both programmes are thrillers. Rellik – the title is ‘killer’ backwards – is the story of a serial murderer, starting at the end and telling the tale in reverse.

Meanwhile, Liar is a psychologi­cal thriller about rape. It leaves viewers to pick sides after a handsome surgeon and a newly-single English teacher have sex but offer very different accounts of the event. Jack Williams – the 38-year-old elder brother – was optimistic both dramas will be successful, saying: ‘Hopefully they will attract a slightly different audience. Rellik is much darker.’.

But unable to decide which to watch themselves, the pair, who also created BBC drama The Missing, decided to retreat to the bar. Harry, 35, said: ‘I think we’re going to go to the pub and pretend it’s not happening. Follow one each via Twitter.’

Both brothers say the double launch has been a painful experience. ‘I think having one show go out is stressful enough. Having both go out the same week is the ultimate torture,’ Jack told The Times.

The brothers – whose father Nigel Williams is also a screenwrit­er, and whose mother Suzan Harrison and third brother Ned are both television producers – did not have much choice in the matter.

BBC1 shows often get the bigger ratings. But last night speculatio­n was mounting that ITV’s Liar could prove the bigger draw, as viewers tune in to watch former Downton Abbey actress Joanne Froggatt play the English teacher.

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