Daily Mail

Snoozy Classic FM made trainee vicar nod off at the wheel

- By Tom Witherow

a MOTORIST is lucky to be alive after nodding off while listening to Classic fM and crashing into a road sign.

Rosie Bryant, 55, a trainee vicar and church organist, admitted a charge of dangerous driving after she switched over from Radio 4 to the station that ‘normally sent her to sleep,’ Carlisle Crown Court heard.

The mother of four said she had been tired as she drove home to Port Carlisle in Cumbria after a five-mile lakeside walk around Derwentwat­er in the lake District. Near Mealsgate she dozed off and her Vauxhall Corsa swerved across a busy a-road into a road sign.

No other vehicles were involved in the crash, which left her own car a write-off.

Beccy McGregor, prosecutin­g, said: ‘She had put the windows down and put Radio 4 on. She realised she was tired and this would allow her to concentrat­e, keep her alert while driving.’ But she then made the decision to change the station.

Miss McGregor added: ‘She knows Classic fM is the type of music that would normally send her to sleep.’

Mark Shepherd, defending, said Bryant had been of ‘totally unblemishe­d character’ and had received only three penalty points in 26 years of driving. However, Judge Peter Hughes QC told Bryant: ‘You could so easily have crossed into the path of oncoming cars, and the consequenc­es could have been horrendous – not just for you but for any occupants of the car that collided with you.’

Bryant, who also teaches piano, admitted dangerous driving and was sentenced to 80 hours’ unpaid work along with a one-year driving ban. The conviction also ended her hopes of becoming a church deacon.

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