Daily Mail

Oxford ban on non-electric cars by 2020

- By James Salmon Transport Editor

ALL petrol and diesel vehicles could be banned from central Oxford in just over two years.

The city’s ‘Zero Emission Zone’ would see petrol and diesel cars, taxis and buses excluded from six streets from 2020.

Under strict anti-pollution proposals, this area would be expanded in 2025 and 2030 until eventually all non- electric traffic, including HGVs, would be stopped from entering the entire city centre by 2035.

Councils have been ordered to draw up plans to crack down on air pollution, with a focus on diesel engines which produce higher levels of emissions that cause respirator­y diseases. London is introducin­g a £10 ‘T- charge’ later this month on top of the congestion charge for vehicles that do not meet minimum emission standards. The Government also plans to ban the sale of all new petrol and diesel vehicles by 2040.

While a partial traffic ban has existed on some central Oxford streets for years, council leaders claim their proposed scheme could eventually cut levels of harmful nitrogen dioxide down to minimal levels.

John Tanner, Oxford City Council’s cabinet member for environmen­t, said: ‘Air pollution in the city centre is damaging the health of Oxford’s residents. A step change is urgently needed; the Zero Emission Zone is that step change.’

The council is launching a six-week consultati­on seeking views on the plans.

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