Daily Mail

Blind date


We were walking along the river when he reached out and held my hand

After we posed the question that plagues so many single women: where have all the good men gone? offers of dates flooded in from men.

So, for this week’s blind date, we sent Laura Hall, one of the women profiled, on a date with Jean-Paul Noel-Cephise, who has also struggled to find a soulmate.

they went to theatre-themed restaurant Sarastro in London and, as they tell Dating Doctor ALANA KIRK, Cupid struck. Laura, 42, an optical engineer, lives in the capital. Jean-Paul, 47, a business lecturer and dad of two, is from Croydon, South London.


WHEN I first saw JP, I thought he was not my type. In the past I’ve gone for skinny, tall men, more like David Bowie.

But I was so wrong! the date turned out to be extremely enjoyable, ending with a hug and a chaste kiss. Better still, we’ve already met up since — he came round to my flat for dinner. It was a really good evening, and yes, there was a proper passionate kiss at the end.

We plan to see each other again, and are in touch all the time.

On our first date, I soon realised he is a really fun guy, and we both talked about everything from my pet hate, scientific­ally inaccurate sci-fi movies, to our taste in music. I like rock, he likes rumba — that tells you how different we are . . .

He joked that it must be awful to watch sci-fi with me as I would point out all the faults, and I poked fun at him, picturing him dancing rumba around the house. But I knew he liked me when he said that ‘in our house there will be a sound-insulated room for your rock music’.

We stayed at the restaurant until 11.30pm before walking along the river to Blackfriar­s station. On the way he reached out to hold my hand. We missed our trains by seconds — so we just chatted for half an hour until parting with that kiss.

We’ve both had a hard time dating in the past — but JP said he didn’t want to talk about other girls, which I appreciate­d.

But we did talk about men’s and women’s approaches to relationsh­ips. Some guys I’ve met online had the attention span of a goldfish, so it was refreshing to have a real conversati­on.

JP did talk about men being men and women being women — he has quite a traditiona­l way of thinking — while I firmly believe in equality between genders. Still, I’d like to know him more. I haven’t settled down yet because I have never found my ‘match’ — and as I get older it gets more and more difficult. the singles market is saturated with people who just put no effort in.

I have a good career as a physicist, I’m solvent, have lovely friends and am generally happy with myself. So I would rather stay single than take on someone who’s going to be hard work. I’m from Italy originally but have lived in the UK since 2005, first for my PhD and then for work. I like england, it’s very open-minded.

I married an englishman at 34, after family pressure to ‘settle down’, but we divorced in 2011. I’ve had a few relationsh­ips, but have been single for a few years.

I think JP might be more attracted to me than I am to him, but I am excited to see how this develops.

I would recommend blind dating. Sarastro was great, with a crazy over-the-top interior.

JP ticks a lot of boxes, and besides, when you fail so many times in relationsh­ips, it’s good to try basing your attraction on something more meaningful than just looks. So I surprised myself — and it was a good surprise!

LIKE: He was fun and smart, I liked his approach to life. REGRETS: None.


JP, 47, SAYS:

WHEN Laura walked into the room, she brought great energy with her. there was definitely chemistry and I fancied her right from the start. She’s attractive, tall and the fact that we had so much to talk and laugh about was sexy. It does turn you on!

the night ran away with us and we both missed our trains, we were so busy just chatting and walking along looking at the river, wanting to extend the evening.

In the end she had to run for the later train so we gave each other a lovely kiss and a hug, and shouted that we would talk the next day.

the next day, I rang her and we picked up where we left off — and have been chatting ever since.

Laura cooked me dinner one evening and it just reinforced

The night ran away with us and we both missed our trains

how much of an attraction there is between us. So far it has been great.

Laura has a strong character and gives as good as she gets. It’s a kind of strength without a temper, but with a backbone — she likes what she likes and is not afraid to say so. But she does all this with grace.

She was radiant, smiley and attractive, and she seemed happy to be on the date, so that was really welcoming.

I talk for a living as a lecturer, and it’s wonderful to meet someone who challenges me in conversati­on. It’s so much more stimulatin­g and there’s a sense of honesty. With Laura, I feel I can be myself and a little bit open.

On the date, we had an initial chat about the menu and what to order, which is always a good icebreaker. We decided to share a mezze platter and some wine.

the waiters were very funny, constantly keeping us entertaine­d, and we just carried on talking and didn’t stop.

We didn’t delve too much into history, preferring to keep it positive. We laughed a lot, and were in hysterics much of the time. She has a great sense of humour.

Since my divorce four years ago, I’ve dated periodical­ly, and I’ve found online dating disastrous. I don’t do it any more, so this blind date was most welcome, and it would make a wonderful story if it ended in a happily ever after.

the experience has really showed me that sometimes we are too quick to tick-box who we think we want.

Neither of us was focused on looks because we weren’t each other’s usual type, and so it all fell on personalit­y.

this is by far the best date I’ve been on, maybe because I had no expectatio­ns.

this could be the start of something good, and I like to think that our first kiss was hopefully far from our last!

LIKE: She’s very warm and when she smiles and laughs, it’s lovely. REGRET: None.


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