Daily Mail

The dastardly Mr Deedes

- Have you any gossip for our City diary? Email: mrdeedes@dailymail.co.uk

Former Barclays boss Antony Jenkins, 56, now chancing his arm in fintech, is gloomy about the future of banking, informing a City audience this week that profits were unlikely to return to the pre- crisis glory days. Is it possible dour Antony’s still bitter about his 2015 dismissal? He was recently heard gloating to Barclays investors about how poorly the bank’s shares have performed since he was ousted.

Private bankers Coutts & Co’s vast offices in the Strand has its own kitchen garden, used to grow everything from potatoes to guava fruit. According to Tatler, everything picked is used by the bank’s in-house chef, Peter Fiori, to prepare meals for visiting clients. Longservin­g account holders would prefer the costs involved were put towards lowering its exorbitant £900-a-year charges.

Gawky ex-Starbucks boss and committed Democrat Howard Schultz says he won’t be challengin­g Donald Trump for the presidency in 2020. Pizzazz-starved voters can breathe a sigh of relief. Schultz, 64, who’s earned over half a billion dollars in the past nine years, is a dreary cove who talks fluent gibberish, once describing Starbucks as ‘delivering an immersive, ultrapremi­um, coffee-forward experience’. He makes oddball Donald sound like Cicero.

Rogue trader Nick Leeson, 50, who brought down Barings in 1995 after racking up £827m in losses trading on Tokyo’s Nikkei index, tweets: ‘Nikkei at highest level today since 1996 – probably not far off my break-even point. If only they’d waited!’ A Twitterer responds: ‘Glad you thinks it’s funny. S*** trader that lost people money, broke Barings & left the banking world in a wake of rules & regs.’

Pious crooner Sting pocketed £38m for his apartment in 15 Central Park West, the Manhattan block dubbed the world’s most powerful address. Fellow residents include Goldman Sachs’ £20m-a-year chief Lloyd Blankfein, ex-Citigroup boss Sandy Weill and, until recently, Barclays old boy Bob Diamond. Love to know how much the porter’s whip-round raises at Christmas.

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