Daily Mail

Nip & Tuck

- Dr Tracy Mountford

Q THROUGHOUT my life I’ve always wanted more chiselled cheekbones but have never been able to define them.

Now that I’m 60, the problem is worse than ever — my face has lost all its volume and my cheeks seem to be heading south.

Are there any non-surgical tricks I can try (I don’t want to go under the knife) that will tighten the skin and finally accentuate my cheekbones? A As the face ages, it is inevitable that you will lose significan­t volume around the temples, cheek area, jawline and chin.

this means your face appears flatter and the contours alter, which is less attractive — and can feel as though your face has dropped.

Facial fillers can restore lost volume in the cheek area and create more attractive definition around the cheekbones. however, it is important to know that if the cheekbones are treated on their own, then this has the potential to look contrived and overdone (particular­ly in a 60-year-old).

the secret here is balance. A good cosmetic practition­er will assess the whole face and decide on a strategic plan to add volume naturally, including to your cheekbones.

this procedure is sometimes referred to as the ‘V’ or the ‘Y lift’.

this technique can be performed over a couple of stages and will involve minimal, if any, downtime, or disruption to your daily life.

Depending on the desired results, your skin type and the areas you would like to be treated, your specialist practition­er will decide on the type of dermal filler that will be used.

Fees for this treatment will vary according to the extent of the volume loss.

to give you an idea, a cheek enhancemen­t will start in the region of £850.

iF YOU have a question for Dr Mountford, email drtracymou­ntford@dailymail.co.uk. Please note that all correspond­ence will be printed anonymousl­y.

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