Daily Mail

Millionair­e Oxford don is trampled to death by cows as he tries to save labrador

- By Fionn Hargreaves

A RETIRED Oxford University professor was trampled to death by a herd of cows as he tried to save his dog from the stampede, an inquest heard yesterday.

Professor Brian Bellhouse, 80, was walking his black labrador Baldrick with a friend when the 20 animals ran towards them.

The millionair­e medical engineer was thrown to the ground as he tried to free the dog, who had become trapped underneath the herd.

He was crushed beneath the agitated animals and an emergency helicopter, ambulance and police were called to the field in Guestling, East Sussex.

However they were unable to save him and he died from his injuries, Hastings Coroner’s Court heard.

Professor Bellhouse became an overnight millionair­e in the early 1990s through the invention of a device for needle-free injections, helping to dramatical­ly raise his company PowderJect’s value.

The firm was sold for £542million in 2003, and Professor Bellhouse picked up £19.5million for his stake.

John Clarke, 61, told the inquest he had been walking his own puppy when his friend was crushed during the incident in June. He said: ‘We got about 50 yards up the field when we saw the ten cows and their ten calves.

‘As we got closer they started to come towards us. Baldrick tried to get out of the way but they started to trample him.

‘Brian went in to try to get Baldrick out and the next I knew, Brian was knocked flat.

‘They were milling around and treading on him. He just could not get up.’

Mr Clarke ran for help, but by the time paramedics arrived it was too late. Police said they found Professor Bellhouse lying face-up with injuries to his legs, chest and torso. PC Brett White of Sussex Police said: ‘ It appeared the majority of Mr Bellhouse’s right ear had been torn off. The dog was conscious but motionless.’ Baldrick was taken to a vet for treatment.

Recording a verdict of accidental death, senior coroner for East Sussex Alan Craze said: ‘Cows are dangerous, especially when dogs are being walked near them ... What has happened is very sad indeed.

‘The cause of death reported in the post mortem examinatio­n was simply a crush injury to the chest.’

Addressing Professor Bellhouse’s family, he added: ‘This Tragic loss: Brian Bellhouse, 80, and his daughter Cathy would have been a devastatin­g shock ... Please allow me to extend my condolence­s.’

Speaking afterwards, Mr Clarke said: ‘He was my best mate, we walked our dogs every day. I am still trying to recover.

A spokesman for Oxford University’s Magdalen College said in June: ‘We are very sad to announce that Professor Brian Bellhouse has passed away.

‘Brian was a major donor to the College and endowed the Oxford- Bellhouse graduate scholarshi­p at Magdalen in biomedical engineerin­g.’

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 ??  ?? Stampede: The field in East Sussex where he was crushed
Stampede: The field in East Sussex where he was crushed

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