Daily Mail

Snacking on nuts twice a week cuts risk to heart

- Daily Mail Reporter

EATING a handful of nuts twice a week can slash the risk of heart disease by almost a quarter, say scientists.

A study of more than 200,000 people, many participat­ing for over three decades, found all types of the snack helped prevent the UK’s biggest killer.

Those who ate tree nuts – which include walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios and pecans – two or more times a week were 23 per cent less likely to develop coronary heart disease than those who rarely or never ate them.

The figure for cardiovasc­ular disease was 15 per cent.

The same amount of peanuts – which are legumes but were included because they have a similar fatty acid and nutrient profile to nuts – reduced the risk of the two conditions by 15 and 13 per cent, respective­ly.

Nuts are high in antioxidan­ts, proteins, nutrients, minerals and fibre. They have also been found to protect against cancer, diabetes, respirator­y conditions and dementia.

The latest study, in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, is the biggest and longest-running of its kind. Lead author Dr Marta Guasch-Ferre, of Harvard University, said: ‘Our findings support recommenda­tions of increasing the intake of a variety of nuts … to reduce the risk of chronic disease.’

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