Daily Mail

We can be generous... if the terms are right


WITH a heavy heart, this paper accepts Britain may have to increase its already generous cash offer to Brussels as the price of breaking the deadlock in the Brexit talks. Such are the demands of realpoliti­k.

Indeed, it becomes ever clearer that even if the EU’s negotiator­s wanted to give ground over the so-called divorce bill, they couldn’t do so without the consent of 27 national government­s.

Given the sclerotic nature of the EU, this would take precious months to secure. Meanwhile, the clock is ticking.

But let one thing be spelt out unambiguou­sly. Any offer over and above the £20billion or so on the table must be strictly conditiona­l on a final agreement, acceptable to the British people.

This means a deal that gives us favourable access to European markets, while letting us take back full control of our laws and borders and leaving us free to strike deals with any country we choose.

And if the terms are right, wouldn’t even the extra £20billion figure being bandied about be cheap at the price for regaining our sovereignt­y and independen­ce?

Though a failure to agree would be no great disaster, a deal would be in everyone’s interests – not least those of countries such as Germany and Spain, burdened with problems that make Theresa May’s difficulti­es pale by comparison.

So, yes, in a spirit of friendship to a desperate EU, perhaps we can afford to be generous. But Brussels must be clear on one point: No deal, no cash.

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