Daily Mail



The Sun enters Sagittariu­s today. For centaurs, it heralds a return to form, and the chance to shake off a harness.

For the rest of us, it’s more like an opportunit­y to loosen a belt after a fine meal, without the slight regret that accompanie­s over-indulging. Not that we’re familiar with such feelings, of course! And, even though we should all be feeling less restricted, we might not be quite ready to run free like mustangs on the prairie.

But even taking tentative steps forward will lead us into wide new pastures.

ARIES WHEN you’re facing Mar 21 — Apr 20 an endless stream of problems, it’s not easy to smile your way through the day. Even if you keep reminding yourself of the mantra ‘all will be well’, it’s hard not to frown. Is it actually possible to keep a positive frame of mind when facing tough decisions and challenges? Of course, it is! You can do it! Your emotional core has been strengthen­ed by the challenges you’ve faced. You’re robust enough to ride this latest patch of stormy weather. That smile can stay. Lift your spirits! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS NO MATTER how Apr 21 — May 21 close the bond may be between people, we’re not able to feel each other’s pain. We can empathise, and relate to their problems, but we can’t feel what they feel. If we could, just for a moment, actually share their feelings, not only would it be an out-of-body experience, it would also change our way of relating. Yesterday, as Venus linked to Pluto, and with the Sun’s change of signs today, you’re being offered fresh perspectiv­e and insight. A new level of understand­ing is possible. Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI AS THE Sun May 22 — June 22 moves opposite your sign today, it suggests that there’s as much to be had as playing the video game ‘a barrel of monkeys’. Your awareness of other people’s creativity and boldness is growing. Perhaps, as Neptune turns direct and dispels the false image that someone has of you, it will be a case of ‘monkey see, monkey do’. The only bad news, is that this is a not an overnight process. But with patience, slowly, slowly, you can catch the monkey! Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER THE meaning of June 23 — July 23 life is a much pondered question. The answer is not ‘remember to unload the dishwasher’, or ‘listen to your phone messages’ or ‘sort out the car MOT’. Yet you feel good if you complete these tasks, and not so good if you don’t! It’s wise to remember not to judge ourselves, or others, on the basis of our ability to do mundane tasks. It’s much more important to nourish other skills, such as kindness and compassion. Today, try to make enough time to honour these qualities. Lift your spirits! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO RIDICULOUS things July 24 — Aug 23 often happen for good reason. While we tend to get ourselves into complicate­d mind-sets, wondering how we managed to allow silly scenarios to gain such importance in our lives, these situations are the result of the decisions we made at the time, and they are often more appropriat­e than we think. You may be feeling confounded and perplexed. As the Sun changes signs and Neptune turns direct, you can easily renegotiat­e the problem that you face. Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moonsign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO YOU’VE been living Aug 24 — Sep 23 under a misconcept­ion that’s been causing you to doubt someone’s integrity. This misunderst­anding is being addressed. They seem to be operating in a way that fails to live up to their promises. But it’s worth rememberin­g that you’re a special case. No one sees the world quite like you. And sometimes, that means that you see errors where there is simply difference. Today, if you can make allowance for an alternativ­e understand­ing, much will become clear. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA THERE’S something Sep 24 — Oct 23 satisfying about planting a seed and watching it grow. But you need to be patient. You need a seed and soil too, and knowledge about the nutrients the plant needs. It’s possible that a shoot will appear, even if you’ve done little more than just stick it in the ground. But, to guarantee future flowers, you need to create the best conditions for your seedling. You can further your plans today, but doing the groundwork is the only way to ensure success. Lift your spirits! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO AS THE Sun Oct 24 — Nov 22 moves into a new sign of the zodiac every 30 days, I sometimes imagine the cosmos as a giant celestial game of pass-the-parcel. Today, the music is playing, and the Sun parcel moves from Scorpio into Sagittariu­s. Does that mean that you’re forfeiting an astral gift? You may no longer have your hands on the present, but you can still seize the moment, and grasp ‘the present’! Then, with renewed creativity and ingenuity, you start a new game, and build on what you’ve already won. Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S WE’RE Nov 23 — Dec 21 living in a constantly moving universe. While the Earth is spinning on its axis, the Sun moves around the Galactic Center. For all we know, the universe itself is rotating around a point we’ve never heard of. We live in a cosmic miracle. Meanwhile, we go about our days unaware of the movements and shifts taking place around us. If you feel as if you’re going round in circles, and not getting very far, be reassured that, rather than being futile, you’re heading where you need to go. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN THERE IS A Dec 22 — Jan 20 tantalisin­g possibilit­y before you. It relates to a dream you’ve held for a long time, that’s dear to your heart. This isn’t any old dream. It’s so precious that you’ve tucked it away somewhere so safe that you’ve almost forgotten its existence. So bringing it to the forefront of your mind will take effort, and courage. Is it safe to look at it now? Actually, the choice isn’t yours to make. You’re being carried forward by a kindly cosmos. What’s happening is beyond your control. Trust, and enjoy. Lift your spirits! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS THE cloud Jan 21 — Feb 19 you’ve been trying to peer through is clearing. It’s evaporatin­g before your eyes. You’re about to be able to see further than you’ve seen for some time, and make sense of a scenario that’s been baffling you. Though no one’s going to change their mind, or their attitude, that’s not to say that transforma­tion is impossible. The change will take place within you. What currently feels disagreeab­le will turn into something pleasing. The cosmos is generous with you today. Change your future! Call now for your spookily accurate Moon-sign forecast. Dial in your date of birth! Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES THE great cosmic Feb 20 — Mar 20 vacuum cleaner is revved up and ready for action. It’s time to clear out the confusion that’s been muddling up your life. You have the tools you need to put things right and set them back on course. Any lingering clouds can be vacuumed up, so that you can see the path ahead, and the bright future that awaits. But you need to find the energy to stick with the task. Clearing up takes commitment. Your ruler Neptune is finally beginning to move forward. That’s good news. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For your spookily accurate Moon-sign prediction, call 0906 751 5612.

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