Daily Mail

... as Cameron’s care cap is axed


A CAP on care home fees scheduled to begin in 0 0 has been abandoned, it emerged yesterday.

Health minister Jackie Doyle-Price yesterday confirmed there would be a fresh consultati­on on the policy.

David Cameron had promised to bring in an upper limit of about £75,000 on the amount Britons must pay towards their own care. His decision followed the recommenda­tions of the 011 Dilnot commission into care funding and the cap was passed in Parliament.

But Miss Doyle- Price yesterday confirmed in a statement that ministers would not be ‘taking forward the previous Government’s plans to implement a cap on care costs in 0 0’.

Instead, she announced a process of ‘initial engagement over the coming months’ to shape long-term reforms. The decision means millions will still face the threat of enormous care bills eating away at the hard- earned inheritanc­e they were hoping to leave their children.

The Government has been accused of dragging its feet over the social care crisis following a series of delays in introducin­g new measures. Ministers announced in June that there would be a green paper outlining policy ideas by the end of the year.

It came after the Government was forced to drop controvers­ial plans for a so-called ‘dementia tax’. Last month, First Secretary of State Damian Green said the green paper had been put back to ‘summer 018’ amid disagreeme­nts over how to fund a new care package.

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