Daily Mail

Look rosy with cider

The latest celebrity beauty trend... a daily shot of £4.99 vinegar

- By Alisha Rouse Showbusine­ss Correspond­ent

FOR a miracle beauty secret adored by Liz Hurley, Victoria Beckham and Jennifer Aniston, you would expect it to cost a small fortune.

But the latest celebrity elixir can be bought in supermarke­ts for less than a fiver.

Some of the world’s most glamorous stars swear by apple cider vinegar, claiming it can do everything from reducing the appetite to boosting the immune system.

Miss Hurley said the fermented liquid is the key to her youthful complexion and she adds it to cups of hot water when she wakes up.

Hollywood actress Jennifer Aniston, 48, model Miranda Kerr, 34, and singer Katy Perry, 33, are also fans of the rather unusual pick-me-up.

Meanwhile Victoria Beckham has admitted to taking two tablespoon­s of ‘ ACV’ – as devotees call it – every morning on an empty stomach.

Her tipple of choice is Bragg organic apple cider vinegar, which can be bought at most supermarke­ts for as little as £4.99.

However, while the price is nice, the taste is less so – as it is just as acidic as lemon juice. Plus, to really get the benefits, fans say you should imbibe the unfiltered variety, containing something known as ‘mother’.

That means there are proteins, enzymes and friendly bacteria present, and they give the vinegar a cloudy appearance, as well as some rather unappetisi­ng brown bits.

Speaking to Red magazine, Miss Hurley, 52, confessed she avoids eating first thing.

She explained: ‘I don’t tend to eat the second I wake up, I settle for a bit. One good tip for everyone is to always have two mugs of hot water when I wake up. I put apple cider vinegar in mine. It’s very good for your gut and your skin – it’s good for everything’.

Nutritioni­st Brooke Alpert said the supplement can be helpful in the winter months to fend off colds.

She explained: ‘There have been studies that show it can affect your blood sugar levels. Apple cider vinegar is a great way to help feed the healthy bacteria in your system, which can help fight off colds, and keep your immune system running.’

As for giving you clear skin, apple cider vinegar has antibacter­ial properties, and some say applying it to the face helps the skin to remain pH balanced and healthy.

Beauty profession­als also recommend using it as a topical astringent to thoroughly cleanse pores and dry out spots. Dermatolog­ist Dr Marie Jhin said: ‘It will dry out a pimple, but it’s not an anti-ageing method.

‘It might fade dark spots, or maybe you could use it as a skin toner, if you dilute it.’

In October, Mrs Beckham, 43, told fans on Instagram about another of her family’s health secrets – seeds and liquid aminos, a concentrat­e made from soybeans.

She soaks the seeds and then toasts them as a healthy snack for her four children.

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