Daily Mail

Ephraim Hardcastle

- Email: peter.mckay@dailymail.co.uk

sTAR Wars hero luke skywalker, played by Mark Hamill, 66, says: ‘Princes William and Harry visited the set one day. I said, “look, my father is lord Vader, my mother is Queen Amidala, my sister is Princess leia. Doesn’t that make me royalty?” William said yes, but Harry wasn’t so sure.’ DEFENCE Secretary Gavin Williamson attacks Chancellor Philip Hammond (saying the Treasury must pay for him flying in RAF planes) and upstages Home Secretary Amber Rudd (by saying UK jihadis must be hunted down and shot). Is he ‘on manoeuvres’ in case of a vacancy at No 10? My source says: ‘Privately he has said he wants to be the Prime Minister and Theresa promised him a Cabinet job a while back.’ Not her job, though! HoW will Prince Harry spare sensitivef­lower Meghan from sandringha­m’s bloody, Boxing Day ritual, pheasant shooting? led by Prince Philip, who has shot tigers, crocodiles, stags and (an estimated) 30,000 pheasants in his time, the royal princes enjoy this annual shoot. Womenfolk are expected to visit the killing fields to admire their skill. The Queen was once photograph­ed mercifully wringing the neck of an injured bird. APROPOS Meghan, some thought she might become Time magazine’s Person of the Year. Why so? Because Wallis Simpson, the first American divorcee to marry into the Royal Family, enjoyed that accolade in 1936 and some Americans see Meghan – both are pictured – as her modern-day equivalent. Except that Harry is fifth in line to the throne and is most unlikely to become king. Whereas twice-married US socialite Mrs Simpson set her cap at the future King Edward VIII, causing him to renounce the throne when their 1937 marriage was officially opposed. THE speaker, John Bercow, has been celebratin­g his 15th wedding anniversar­y with wife sally, their marriage having survived ‘saucy sally’s’ past, publicitya­ttracting antics. oddly (it seemed to me) he was congratula­ted by leader of the House Andrea leadsom and her opposite number, Valerie Vaz. Discussing how she’d retained Bercow’s affections, the leggy blonde confided: ‘I just used my feminine wiles and took John away for a dirty weekend he wouldn’t forget, which left him happy, if breathless.’ MADONNA says that a former friend, Darlene Lutz, took a pair of her satin panties and put them up for auction. Ms Lutz’s legal team claim the panties were freely given away – a charming Madonna custom, allegedly. They produced another pair allegedly given by Madonna to a dodgy boyfriend with a note saying: ‘My underwear for you.’ They were auctioned too. If all true, is it too late for Madonna, 59, to embrace respectabi­lity?

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