Daily Mail

Would YOU want a doctor convicted of MANSLAUGHT­ER to care for your child?

After making terrible blunders, Dr Bawa-Garba was found guilty of killing Jack, 6. Now, to the horror of his parents, her colleagues want her to return to work. What IS going on?

- by Antonia Hoyle

NICOLA AdCOCk knew something was wrong with her sixyear-old son Jack the minute she picked him up from school. Her normally vivacious little boy, who loved dancing and football, seemed unusually subdued.

When, the following morning, he had a temperatur­e, sickness and diarrhoea, she took him to Leicester Royal Infirmary for a checkup. Neither Nicola nor husband Victor had cause for great concern — Jack had down’s syndrome so, although otherwise healthy, such visits had become as routine as their trust in the NHS was implicit.

But that faith was to prove tragically misplaced, as Jack’s condition deteriorat­ed.

Wrongly diagnosed with gastroente­ritis, he was actually suffering from sepsis — a condition fatal when left undetected and one that caused his organs to stop functionin­g, prompting a heart attack brought on by septic shock. Just 11 hours after being admitted to hospital, in February 2011, Jack died, sparking a controvers­ial legal case that focused on one woman: his paediatric­ian, dr Hadiza Bawa- Garba, whose catastroph­ic handling of Jack’s condition was claimed to have cost his life.

The case was referred to the Crown Prosecutio­n Service, which took the rare step of charging her with manslaught­er through gross negligence in december 2014.

At her four-week trial at Nottingham Crown Court in November 2015, Bawa-Garba, 40, was found guilty of a catalogue of blunders, from failing to act on Jack’s abnormal blood tests to mistaking him with another patient under a ‘do Not Resuscitat­e’ order.

Bawa-Garba — a privately educated, married mother of two whose husband works in aviation and lives in dubai — was convicted and given a suspended prison sentence of two years, as was nurse Isabel Amaro, who had been on duty that day.

The judge, Mr Justice Nicol, confidentl­y declared that the medical careers of both ‘will come to an end’ and last year Amaro was struck off by the Midwifery Council.

Yet as indefensib­le as Bawa-Garba’s actions will sound to many, there are those who maintain she has been unfairly demonised for her mistakes and made a scapegoat for multiple failings within a beleaguere­d NHS.

Nowhere is this bitter divide more apparent than within the medical profession itself.

After Bawa-Garba’s hearing in June before the Medical Practition­ers Tribunal Service (MPTS), whose job is to decide whether a doctor is fit to practise, it was ruled that despite her damning conviction, erasure from the medical profession would be ‘disproport­ionate’ and that she should be suspended for 12 months instead.

In August, however, the General Medical Council (GMC), in charge of the register of medical practition­ers, appealed over the MPTS decision, claiming that public trust in the medical profession will be harmed if a doctor can continue to work after a manslaught­er conviction.

The bitter discord between the two public bodies culminated in a contentiou­s hearing this week at London’s High Court.

At the crux of their argument is one simple question: could you trust a doctor convicted of manslaught­er to care for your child?

Jack’s parents Nicola, 43, and Victor, 52, from Glen Pava, Leics, also have a daughter Ruby. Nicola, who works for retail chain Next, and her husband, who works for a water company, are emphatic in their belief that Bawa- Garba should not be allowed to continue practising.

However, some 800 doctors have petitioned for the GMC to reconsider their appeal.

They argue that striking BawaGarba off the register after criminalis­ing her medical error will set a dangerous precedent and create further cover-ups because doctors will be too scared to own up to their mistakes, putting more lives at risk as a result.

So does dr Bawa-Garba deserve a second chance? Or is her catalogue of fatal errors so indefensib­le that she should never be allowed to work as a doctor again?


WHEN Jack was admitted to the infirmary’s Children’s Assessment Unit at 10am on February 18, 2011, trainee paediatric­ian dr BawaGarba — who moved to Britain from her native Nigeria in 1994 and qualified as a doctor in 2003 after studying medicine at the University of Leicester — was doing the work of two doctors and covering two wards as another registrar had failed to show up for work.

This was her first such placement in general paediatric­s at the hospital and she was only recently back after maternity leave.

‘ It appears that a team of inexperien­ced medical and nursing staff were thrown together, reliant upon each other through the exhausting 13-hour shift, but who had not worked together in some cases, without any team introducti­ons, adequate handover or consistent IT support,’ says Lyvia dabydeen, a consultant paediatric neurologis­t at king’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. dr Bawa-Garba worked for the consultant while she was at Leicester Royal Infirmary and dr dabydeen wrote a testimonia­l of support for her tribunal.

She asked, in a response to an investigat­ion into the case last month by trade publicatio­n the British Medical Journal (BMJ): ‘How did this even happen?’


BLOOD tests taken from Jack shortly after his arrival revealed abnormally high levels of urea and creatinine, suggesting kidney problems and contradict­ing dr Bawa- Garba’s diagnosis of gastroente­ritis.

Yet Bawa-Garba — who took three hours to examine x- rays that revealed Jack had a chest infection and required antibiotic­s — failed to do anything about the blood tests.

According to Jonathan Cusack, a neonatolog­ist at the infirmary who became dr Bawa-Garba’s supervisor as part of her re-training following Jack’s death, a computer failure meant she was told Jack’s results over the phone rather than reading them on screen, making her more susceptibl­e to ‘cognitive error’.

He explains: ‘Normally with blood samples abnormal numbers flash up in red and they’re easy to see.’ Instead, he says, ‘she was given 15 to 20 numbers at speed which she was writing down. She was under pressure and didn’t think about what those numbers meant.’

Yet Bawa-Garba wasn’t the only profession­al to ignore the blood test results. The court heard that Stephen O’Riordan, duty consultant paediatric­ian that day, had written them down at evening handover but chose not to review Jack.

Cusack adds: ‘If, as has often been claimed, it should have been obvious to a trainee that Jack had sepsis, surely it should have been obvious to a consultant, too? And yet she was criticised for not acting on it and nobody else was.’ IN HOSPITAL Jack — who had a known heart condition — was given his regular dose of Enalapril, which lowers blood pressure. Yet the drug should not be given to those suffering from septic shock and in court it was agreed that it was a contributi­ng factor to Jack’s death, with Bawa-Garba criticised for not making it clear in his notes he should not be given it.

‘Enalapril makes the blood vessels dilate, which reverses the body’s normal defence to sepsis,’ explains dr Cusack, who adds, however, that Bawa- Garba would have been unaware of the hospital culture at the time that contravene­d national guidelines and allowed drugs to be given without a prescripti­on.

‘She knew it wasn’t a good idea for Jack to take Enalapril and chose not to prescribe it.’


THAT evening Jack suffered a septic shock which led to a ‘crash call’ to doctors at around 8pm to revive him. But on entering Jack’s room Bawa- Garba confused him with another patient who had a ‘do Not Resuscitat­e’ instructio­n on his notes and called off resuscitat­ion.

‘It’s not even as if they looked alike,’ said Jack’s mother Nicola at the time. ‘How do you get two children mixed up when one has down’s and the other hasn’t?’

Yet it was claimed in court that Bawa-Garba’s terrible mistake had no impact on Jack’s condition, which was too advanced for resuscitat­ion to help. It was, however, highlighte­d by the judge, Mr Justice Nicol, as an example of BawaGarba’s lapsed standard of care.


ACCORDING to the BMJ investigat­ion, Bawa-Garba was asked to meet duty consultant paediatric­ian O’Riordan five days after Jack’s death, where — as part of her train--

ing — she was asked what she should have done differentl­y. She apparently admitted her failings and O’Riordan typed up notes of her ‘reflection’, which were eventually fed into the inquiry, and later, into the police investigat­ion.

Doctors who believe Bawa-Garba should be allowed to return to work say this process was a betrayal. ‘Trainees keep a log of training to assess what they’ve learned,’ says Dr David Nicholls, who organised the doctors’ petition. ‘That these reflection­s are being used in court cases is an abuse of their education.’


YES. Within weeks she had returned to the hospital in a supervised role, where she remained until her trial in 2015. ‘She never shied away from her mistakes and went out of her way to learn from her errors,’ says Dr Cusack, who says her progress in later reviews was rated as ‘above average.’


NICOLA ADCOCK maintains that Bawa-Garba has yet to apologise while the tribunal found that although she had ‘ expressed condolence­s’ to Jack’s family, they had seen no evidence to suggest she had apologised.

However, Dr Cusack, said she was ‘genuinely devastated’ but was prevented from saying sorry by the legal process. ‘When a case is part of a Coroner’s inquest she would have been banned from talking to the family,’ says Dr Cusack. ‘Calling up to apologise would have been discourage­d. She has since apologised through her lawyer.’


THE hospital’s serious untoward incident inquiry was completed in august 2012 and recommende­d some 90 changes following Jack’s death. as well as those relating to Bawa-Garba’s conduct, there were also, says Dr Cusack, ‘multiple systemic failures’.

He says they included ‘medical and nursing staff shortages, IT system failures which led to abnormal laboratory test results not being highlighte­d, the deficienci­es in handover, accessibil­ity of the data at the bedside and the absence of a mechanism for an automatic consultant review.’


INITIALLY, the Crown Prosecutio­n Service claimed there were no grounds to charge an individual doctor because there were so many different failings. Yet at the inquest, in July 2013, experts debated the criteria for manslaught­er and apparently decided there were sufficient grounds to prosecute.

The case was re-conferred to the CPS which still didn’t charge Dr Bawa-Garba until December 2014. ‘The time taken demonstrat­es the complexity,’ says Dr Cusack.


‘THE prosecutio­n’s job is to find one person responsibl­e but in healthcare multiple processes are responsibl­e for error,’ says Dr Cusack, who gave evidence at the trial at Nottingham Crown Court in November 2015.

He claims expert witnesses were stopped by prosecutio­n barristers from discussing the improvemen­ts leicester Healthcare Trust made after Jack’s death that would have highlighte­d just how many other factors were to blame.

‘Clearly there are doctors who wilfully cause harm and of course

they should be stopped,’ he says. ‘ But I don’t believe manslaught­er applies to someone who has an otherwise unblemishe­d record and has made a medical error in a case where there are multiple other failures.’


IT WASN’T until Dr Bawa- Garba’s twoday tribunal hearing at the MPTS in Manchester this June that other factors contributi­ng towards Jack’s death became more widely known.

In mitigation, the tribunal considered that Jack’s death, ‘took place in the context of wider failings.’ They said there was no evidence to suggest her actions were ‘deliberate or reckless’ and therefore, instead of striking her off, suspended her for 12 months.


THE GMC — which launched an appeal against the MPTS decision this August — claim public trust in the profession will be harmed if a doctor can continue after being convicted of homicide by a public court, that Dr Bawa- Garba should have ‘ had sepsis in mind as a possible diagnosis’; that her mistakes are irredeemab­le and the only appropriat­e sanction is erasure from the medical profession.


NOT according to consultant cardiologi­st Peter Wilmhurst, who has written that the ‘decision of the GMC to take a tough stance against Dr Bawa-Garba contrasts with the GMC’s leniency when dealing with doctors whose conduct is more worrying’ adding that: ‘The GMC took no action against 100 doctors placed on the Sex Offenders Register (SOR) for accessing child pornograph­y.’

Last night GMC chief executive Charlie Massey said: ‘There are a small proportion of doctors on the medical register with conviction­s, some dating back many years and pre-dating our right to appeal Medical Practition­ers Tribunal decisions.

‘Any doctor who receives a custodial sentence is automatica­lly referred to the tribunal and for conviction­s such as serious sexual offences, we will now always call for the doctor to be struck off the register.’

Wilmhurst, citing several other cases — some of which he reported to the GMC himself — concluded: ‘ The GMC should deal forcefully with doctors who are deliberate­ly and repeatedly dishonest rather than a conscienti­ous doctor who made a single clinical error.’


AFTER the tribunal Nicola claimed on Facebook that she was ‘disgusted’ by the decision not to strike off Dr Bawa-Garba.

This week she vowed to ‘do whatever is necessary for my son and to stop parents having to go through the sort of thing my family has gone through.’

She added of the doctors rallying in support of Dr Bawa-Garba: ‘They didn’t know my son. Some of them will be parents — they must be able to understand my feelings and why I wouldn’t want her (BawaGarba) to be in charge of a child of mine.

‘Public confidence will be gone if she starts working with children again. Everyone makes mistakes. But would you really want someone convicted of gross negligence manslaught­er treating your child?’


THOSE fighting to stop Dr Bawa-Garba being struck off are not doing so simply to save the career of a paediatric­ian they feel has been unfairly blamed, but because they believe if the GMC win their appeal it will set a precedent for a dangerous culture of cover-up.

‘The GMC risk putting patient safety back decades, encouragin­g doctors to be dishonest for fear of criminalis­ation,’ says Dr Nicholl.

‘ It will lead to senior doctors such as me considerin­g taking early retirement and discourage young doctors from pursuing higher risk specialiti­es such as emergency medicine. It will add to workforce pressures.’

And, says Dr Cusack, the public will suffer as much as the medical profession if the hearing — for which judgment was this week deferred — falls in favour of the GMC. ‘If admitting an error might mean going to prison, there will be the potential for people to hide their mistakes, which could affect the care of the next child admitted to hospital with sepsis.’

Leicester Healthcare Trust have said: ‘ Any decision about Dr BawaGarba’s future is now a matter for the GMC and Medical Practition­ers Tribunal Service.’

Last night the GMC’s Charlie Massey added: ‘At the heart of this tragic case was the sad death of a sixyear-old boy, Jack Adcock, who did not receive the care he should have. We acknowledg­e the strength of feeling expressed by many doctors.

‘Our decision to appeal the suspension was not taken lightly and we would stress that cases such as this, where a doctor has been convicted of gross negligence manslaught­er, are extremely rare.’

Andrew Furlong, Medical Director at Leicester’s Hospitals, said: ‘This was a tragic event and in 2015 a jury reached its decision having had all of the evidence presented to it.

‘Following Jack’s death we carried out a full investigat­ion and implemente­d a number of improvemen­ts to our systems and processes which have reduced the risk of such events occurring again.

‘Any decision about Dr Bawa- Garba’s future is now a matter for the GMC and Medical Practition­ers Tribunal Service.’

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 ??  ?? Disgusted: Grieving mum Nicola Adcock with Jack and, above, Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba
Disgusted: Grieving mum Nicola Adcock with Jack and, above, Dr Hadiza Bawa-Garba

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