Daily Mail

MPs back law to ban beads


A BAN on plastic microbeads came a step closer last night after the law completed its final passage through Parliament.

MPs waved through the ban without opposition.

Ministers had vowed to act after the Daily Mail’s Ban The Beads Now campaign. The policy is expected to come into force in the New Year, when putting microbeads into cosmetics and toiletries will become illegal. A ban on selling products containing microbeads will follow in June.

Nature charities warn that the tiny plastic fragments are one of the most pervasive forms of marine pollution.

Every day millions of microbeads, which are often found in facial scrubs, wash into the sewage system. They are not caught by filters in sewage plants and are flushed into rivers and seas, where they become magnets for toxins.

The particles are then consumed by fish and crabs, and end up on our dinner plates

Prime Minister Theresa May said yesterday: ‘I’m very pleased Parliament is supporting our efforts to pass a ban on plastic microbeads which pollute our oceans. Looking after our environmen­t is vitally important.’

Environmen­t Secretary Michael Gove added: ‘I am delighted ... our ban has been welcomed as the strongest in the world by campaigner­s and it’s in addition to the other action we are taking to tackle plastic waste.’

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