Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


■ A KNIGHTHOOD for Nick Clegg? No doubt for services to U-turns. J. WALMSLEY, Bury, Gtr Manchester. ■ THE only good thing about the award of a knighthood to Nick Clegg is that it would be another kick in the teeth for Billy-no-title, Tony Blair. CHRIS PATE, Worcester. ■ TO BE PC and gender compliant, how long will it be before women . . . er . . . females . . . er . . . ladies . . . er . . . girls . . . Oh dear, what am I allowed to say? TONY HORRICKS, Sutton-in Craven, N. Yorks. ■ NO ONE realised how PC it would become when the Trans Pennine Express was named. STEPHEN PERKINS, Grimsby. ■ ISN’T It wonderful the police can re-open Damian Green’s case after a decade? Will they now look into my burglary 20 years ago? ANTHONY T. RUSH, Manningtre­e, Essex. ■ NO ROYAL Mail stamp for Brexit? The stamp we had on joining in 1973 could be revised — the Union Flag in the jigsaw could equally well be leaving as joining. The only change needed would be updating the price fom 3p to 56p. PHILIP STOY, Crickhowel­l, Powys. ■ FORGET the fancy recipes for leftovers. It has to be bubble and squeak with HP sauce. Yum! YVONNE SULLIVAN, Holmfirth, W. Yorks. ■ NECESSARY attributes to be a profession­al cyclist: be asthmatic and have varicose veins, a calloused rear end and hairless limbs. For a profession­al footballer: a daft haircut!

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