Daily Mail

Pathetic sentences


WHILE I have every sympathy for his victims, why are people surprised at the release of black cab sex attacker John Worboys?

The judiciary and Crown Prosecutio­n Service will not listen to public opinion, which means we end up with pathetic sentences for serious criminals.

In the case of Worboys, he should have been tried not just on 12 cases, but on all 100 accusation­s.

JOHN EVERSON, Penn, Bucks. CRIMINALS should receive a sentence that punishes them for what they have done and not be subject to any Parole Board assessment as to whether they are ‘safe enough’ to be let out of prison.

Even if the Parole Board had the means to know for certain that Worboys has genuinely reformed, this should not have triggered his release. He should stay in prison for the rest of his life.

Even if his victims had been told of his pending release, this would not have quelled their anxieties.

Likewise, making the reasons for the Parole Board’s decision known would change nothing as he will still be released.

D. FRASER, Okehampton, Devon.

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