Daily Mail

Door opens for crooks

- By Dan Hyde d.hyde@dailymail.co.uk

THE banking revolution that launched on Saturday scares the life out of me. It’s a fraudster’s charter if ever I saw one.

The new laws are supposed to encourage us to share our carefully guarded banking secrets with tiny firms we’ve never heard of. Let them nose into our bank accounts, we’re told, and they’ll help us save a small fortune on overdrafts and broadband and energy bills.

This is a revolution all right — but only for companies that want to flog us products and crooks who want to steal our identities.

It’s like letting someone trawl through your bins to find out what you buy in Sainsbury’s each week — only the rooting around will be online and it’ll all be rubberstam­ped by the authoritie­s.

Once you’ve given away your secrets, expect to receive a torrent of marketing guff about ‘special’ deals based on your family’s location, habits and ages.

And the chance of all this data staying safe? Close to zero, I’d say. It would only take one teenage hacker with too much time on their hands and your whole life — from where you live and work to the size of your debts and your energy provider — will be on sale in a dark corner of the internet.

As we reveal on pages 38 and 47, no company has yet launched a tool that uses these so- called Open Banking laws. In fact, most big banks — NatWest, HSBC and Barclays among them — can’t even share your data if you ask them to because their technology isn’t ready.

But that won’t stop conmen setting up fake sites to prey on the unsuspecti­ng in the meantime. And while we wait, separate rules from our friends in Brussels have made it legal to share your online banking log-in and even passwords with third parties (the UK’s Open Banking should never involve sharing your passwords).

Confusingl­y, these EU changes took effect on the same day as the UK’s and have a similar aim, but have significan­t difference­s. For example, banks say they will usually cover fraud losses on Open Banking, but they will almost certainly refuse if you let firms log in to your account using the EU’s rules.

What a mess. If you’re baffled by any of this, join the club. The whole thing is giving me a nasty headache — and not just because of the endless possibilit­ies for new types of fraud.

Steer well clear.

Fight the fees

RIP-OFF fees for paying by credit card have finally been banned. But the Government’s claim that we’ll be nearly £500 million better off is nothing but wishful thinking.

Once again, it’s done a halfhearte­d job. You don’t need a degree in economics to see that companies will want to recoup their lost income somehow.

That could be by hiking prices, or, more likely, by imposing new admin charges like Just Eat’s 50p fee on takeaway orders.

Ministers should have gone the whole hog and banned all add-on fees for spending your own money or withdrawin­g cash.

I fear it will get much harder to compare deals and shop around properly, which in turn could cripple the competitio­n we rely on to keep prices low.

If you spot a sneaky new charge, let me know.

Ticket turn-off

HERE’S a thought on how to tackle the scourge of tickettout­ing websites.

My inbox is regularly filled with letters from readers who bought tickets from Viagogo, StubHub and similar resale sites, only to find the seats assigned to them are miles apart, wildly overpriced or they can’t get a refund.

Many are driven to these sites because touts use computers to hoover up thousands of tickets as soon as they go on sale.

The only winners from this trend have been the resale sites and touts. It’s time for a boycott. If we resist the urge to buy from resale sites at all — and find other entertainm­ent if the official tickets are sold out — it will make touting unprofitab­le and the whole house of cards could start to topple.

Get on board by emailing the address below. If nothing else, supporting the boycott will drasticall­y reduce your odds of getting ripped off.

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