Daily Mail

Do we need a second referendum on Brexit?


IS NIGEL Farage’s flirting with the idea of re-running the referendum a figment of his overheated imaginatio­n, or an admission that Leave won by the smallest of margins, leaving a divided nation and putting the very existence of the UK at risk? It was a vote in which 60 per cent of the over-65s voted Leave and 70 per cent of the under-25s voted Remain, not to mention those taken for a ride by the claims on the side of a big red bus. The people have spoken and a say on the final deal, with the option to stay in the EU if it’s nothing like what folk were promised, is the way to go.

JOHN Haran, leigh-on-Sea, essex. CALLING for a second EU referendum defies the concept of democracy. The people have taken their decision. Are Nigel Farage and other politician­s using the prospect of a second referendum to fuel their own political agenda?

M. LANGTON, Newcastle upon Tyne. IT WOULD be a disgrace if we had to hold another referendum. Will the authoritie­s keep having votes until they get the result they want? Some commentato­rs claim the Brexit result was a close one, at 52 per cent. However, most British general elections are won with a smaller majority than that. Even Tony Blair’s 1997 ‘landslide’ was only a 43.2 per cent majority.

a. wills, ruislip, Middx. ANY future referendum should take place only after we have been free of the EU for at least ten years, when the electorate could decide whether they wished to apply to rejoin. The idea that a second referendum should be held now just because the Remainers are bad losers is surely undemocrat­ic.

Colin bullen, Tonbridge, Kent.

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