Daily Mail

What the law says


TWO of the three men were arrested on suspicion of ‘modern slavery’ offences.

Allen Scrimshaw and his son Wolfe were questioned on matters under the 2015 Modern Slavery Act – introduced by Theresa May when she was home secretary.

A third man was arrested on suspicion of being an unlicensed gangmaster.

The modern slavery legislatio­n details a range of offences, which can include the exploitati­on of agricultur­al workers.

Victims may be forced to live in squalid conditions, be subjected to repeated abuse and be unpaid or under-paid.

But it also covers the wider area of human traffickin­g, often involving the movement of workers across internatio­nal borders.

There can also be cases of ‘criminal exploitati­on’, which often involves victims being forced into gang activities, usually working with drugs, or having to commit crimes to benefit others.

Government figures estimate there are between 10,000 and 13,000 potential modern slavery victims across the UK.

Recent prosecutio­ns have involved the traffickin­g of Vietnamese girls who were forced to work in ‘nail bars’.

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