Daily Mail

Fund NHS with ‘higher baby boomer tax’


BABY boomers should pay more tax to fund spiralling health and welfare costs caused by the ageing population, a Tory former minister claims.

Lord Willetts insists higher taxes on wealth are needed to prevent young people, who are already struggling to match their parents’ living standards, bankrollin­g the crisis by themselves.

Research by the Resolution Foundation think-tank suggests that by 2030 spending on health, education and social security will rise by £20billion in today’s money, and £60billion by 2040.

The extra spending, almost entirely driven by health costs, would need a massive 15p increase in the basic rate of income tax to cover the funding gap until 2040 unless reforms are made elsewhere.

In a speech today, Resolution Foundation chairman Lord Willetts is expected to say: ‘The time has come when boomers are going to have reach into our own pockets. For 30 years Britain has enjoyed a time when baby boomers were at peak earning power. Politician­s talked as if tax cuts were the normal state of British politics.

‘But we are at a tipping point. Unless we act, we will face a choice between changing our approach to taxation or cutting access to the NHS and letting social care get into an even deeper crisis. We can’t delay that debate any longer.’

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