Daily Mail

Blind date THe


EveRy week, we send a couple out on a blind date to see if sparks fly. This week, Sarah edwards and Ricky Granieri went to The Ivy Brasserie in London.

Sarah, 33, works for The Roald Dahl Charitable Trust and lives in Berkshire. Ricky, who runs his own recruitmen­t firm, is 30 and lives in London.


I’ve pretty much been single for ever. I’ve had loads of ‘almost relationsh­ips’, but never quite got there.

I’ve tried almost all of the dating sites on and off for the past ten years, as well as everything from speed dating to singles’ events — but no joy.

If you don’t meet people through work or friends, which I don’t, then online is the only way, but you have just minutes to make an impression, which feels really pressurise­d.

I’m just looking for someone normal and there are so many who are not. There was one guy living on a broken-down boat and another who suddenly announced he was still living with the mother of his child.

I’m starting to feel like no one will ever love me! I’m naturally quite shy and I feel like I often don’t get the chance for someone to get to know me before they pass me by — which is why I thought going on a blind date might be a good idea.

The date didn’t start well, as Ricky was halfan-hour late, which made me really annoyed.

When he finally did turn up, first impression­s were good. Aesthetica­lly, I like a broad, rugbyplaye­r build, so I thought Ricky was attractive and, at first, he seemed warm and funny.

It wasn’t awkward to get a conversati­on going, but quickly, I sensed he just wasn’t that interested in me. In fact, I’d say I didn’t really get to talk that much at all throughout the entire date.

Ricky was certainly entertaini­ng company, but I would have preferred him to ask at least a few questions about me.

As it was, I felt he was really not giving it his all and had no interest in me.

He also took a photo of me at the table when he thought I wasn’t looking, which I didn’t like, and mentioned multiple times how attractive his ex-girlfriend was, making it pretty clear that I wasn’t his type, which hurt a bit.

I went on the date partly because I’m trying to make the effort to meet someone. I’m on sabbatical from work at the moment, so I’m trying to do things outside of my comfort zone. And this really was!

What it has done is clarify what I want — and what I don’t want. I’m looking for someone who is kind, considerat­e, settled in their life, down to earth and, above all, wants the same things as me — which are marriage and children.

Ricky was not that person. We don’t have to have the same interests, but we do have to have the same values, and he didn’t.

I am looking for someone who makes me laugh and has a dry and sarcastic sense of humour, or who, at least, isn’t going to be offended by mine.

I like playing golf and I go to bootcamp two to three times a week. Other than that, I’m very close to my family and spend a lot of time with them.

I came away from the date feeling that Ricky didn’t like me and, although looks-wise he was my type, he wasn’t at all a Mr Right in terms of personalit­y.

I think he was also texting other girls during the date, which didn’t make me feel great.

I currently feel I don’t want to date again after such a bruising experience, but I know I have to keep giving it a go. LIKED? He was entertaini­ng and funny. REGRETS? None. COFFEE OR CAB? Cab. VERDICT: 2/10


I AM single in flashing neon letters! I had a relationsh­ip with a very lovely girl for five years, but we broke up two years ago because the passion went and we had become more like friends.

Since then, I’ve been on plenty of first dates. But, other than a couple of false starts, none has really lifted off the ground.

I’m really clear about the kind of person I want a relationsh­ip with. I like women who are driven, educated and confident and someone who is sensual and passionate, because I think that is what keeps things exciting.

As fitness is a major passion of mine, I’d also like someone active who keeps in shape.

I like a strong woman who is career-minded, fun, playful and very attractive. She has to be funny — but looks are important. I know that sounds vain, but I have to be honest. I’m pretty oldfashion­ed and I think the only things that really work are communicat­ion, attraction and connection. I want to meet someone I connect with. People talk about butterflie­s. Forget butterflie­s — I want the zoo! I wasn’t nervous about the date — I’m confident in those kind of situations and I like to exude energy and positivity. But we didn’t get off to the best of starts, I admit. I was coming from a work meeting, which overran, so I was a bit late, but I don’t think Sarah was too impressed. From the first moment, I knew that she wasn’t my type lookswise and, quite quickly, I could tell we were two very different personalit­ies. I’m an extrovert and it was clear that Sarah is an introvert and very shy, so I took it upon myself to try to bring her out of herself, but it wasn’t easy. I wanted to have a cheeky glass of wine, but she wasn’t drinking, so I didn’t. When she started describing her perfect type of man, she was basically describing me, but I knew this would never work.

restaurant was incredible — quite literally, the best food I’ve had in such a long time. I’ve never had a better steak in my life.

I did get Sarah laughing quite a bit, but she never instigated a conversati­on. It was 80 per cent me talking and 20 per cent her.

If I see silence, I will fill it, but I prefer someone to give me some fight back.

When we got to asking each other about our dating history and hobbies, it really became clear just how different we were.

I think we were a complete mismatch. I am quite vain and like to look good and I loved getting my photo taken. But Sarah hated it.

I’m cuttingly blunt and I never lie, as I think it’s the best way to live. But Sarah was shy and quiet. I look for substance and looks in a date and Sarah just had neither for me. During the meal, she gave me very little eye contact.

We shared a taxi home: I jumped out early, so as not to have an awkward goodbye. She is a sweet girl, but there was never going to be chemistry between us. LIKED? She was a good listener. Nice smile, nice eyebrows. REGRETS? Pleasant, but there was no passion. COFFEE OR CAB? Cab. VERDICT: 3/10

He mentioned many times how attractive his ex was I’m quite vain and I do like to look good

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