Daily Mail

Save our young men


i HAVE great sympathy for Jen hamblin, who lost her husband to prostate cancer because he was deemed to be too young to be at risk (Letters). Age should not be an issue when a patient is assessed.

My only child Simon was told he was too young to have bowel cancer. When he reported his symptoms, doctors told him to change his lifestyle and go on a diet, even though he ate healthily.

it was six months before he was finally sent to hospital for tests. Stage-four cancer of the bowel was diagnosed and he died aged 31, leaving a three-year-old son.

it is hard to cope with such a loss when you don’t know if an earlier diagnosis could have saved him. ELAINE PARSONS,

Luton, Beds. When my husband was 50, he had a health check, but was refused a PSA blood test for prostate cancer because the doctor said he was too young and healthy.

A couple of years later, after two male cousins were diagnosed with prostate cancer, he asked to be tested and was again refused.

But he stood his ground and demanded they did the test. Aged 53, he was diagnosed with prostrate cancer. his surgeon said it had been growing for at least four years.

Why is there no screening? My husband is one of the lucky ones, but it has come at a cost.

Name supplied, Northants.

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