Daily Mail

Is it a case of pro-life versus pro-choice?


I HAVE always been made to feel like a prude because I never feel anything but sadness at the easy sacrifice of unborn children. How warming to read that Mail columnist Tom Utley and his wife have the courage to stand up for like-minded people (Mail). I will never forget the words of the doctor attending me for extreme morning sickness: ‘Do you really want this baby?’ My daughter is now a teacher with two boys.

GILL WOODS, Chatteris, Cambs.

IS IT the right of anti-abortionis­ts to accost women as they enter a clinic for a terminatio­n? I would think this is a nightmare for the women at a very difficult time. Would it really be a blessing for humanity to have 190,000 unwanted babies born in the uK each year? People have sex, but don’t necessaril­y wish to have children or can’t take financial or caring responsibi­lity for them. Every child should be born into a loving, caring home. Sadly, all too often the world doesn’t work that way.

JOHN TWITCHEN, Vilamoura, Portugal.

HOW ironic that people who are anti-abortion are portrayed as having extreme views. Surely, an extreme view would be in thinking it is right to abort an unborn baby. It is tragic that abortion is so often trivialise­d as a simple medical procedure. The pro-choice lobby wants their right to choose respected, but who will stand up for the rights of the unborn baby? LAURA LOKIER, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

I AM a hard-working 19-year-old who owes my happy and fulfilling life to the abortion I obtained with ease and support as a young teenager. If pro-life protesters really cared for human life, why are they harassing women outside abortion clinics? Why aren’t they setting up not-forprofit sex education and donating to schools and hospitals that improve young lives? Adoption is a solution to parenthood, not pregnancy, so is not an alternativ­e to abortion for many women. You may never consider a terminatio­n, but you can’t make that choice for someone else, hence the term pro-choice. Abortion is not something to take lightly. There is a lot of paperwork and it takes time to recover from this medical treatment. JAZ BANNISTER, South Hams, Devon.

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