Daily Mail



Where are we going to draw the line? Wembley is our national stadium and a national institutio­n and for me it is just the same as Big Ben and Wimbledon. It is irreplacea­ble. You cannot replace what Wembley is — and what the place means to so many people. The memories go through the generation­s. Dads tell stories to their children about what Wembley means to them and they pass it on in the future. This has been happening since the White horse FA Cup final in 1923. If we sell it and one day move to another stadium, all that will be gone. how can you put a price on all that history and all those memories? I don’t think you can, really. I grew up watching the great FA Cup finals in the 1950s and I was lucky enough to play there, first for england Schoolboys in front of 90,000 and for Leicester City in the FA Cup final in 1969. And many times for england. The walk from the dressing rooms, up the tunnel and out across the pitch was an incredible experience. It would frighten some teams. It is different now. It has been revamped and it was a shame to lose the Twin Towers but I understood the need for modernisat­ion and for more investment in the corporate side of things. The new facilities are fantastic and it still feels like Wembley and it is still the home of english football and that should never change. I know they’re talking about playing finals and england matches at Wembley but for how long? Once the FA lose control you don’t know what might happen in the future. In the cold light of day, it might feel like a lot of money but we will be selling the heritage of our game. That’s why I’m against it. Where do you draw the line? Are we going to sell the soul of our game? You can never get that back. We cannot sell Wembley.

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