Daily Mail

Is it just ME?

Or are you a slave to your teen too?

- by Sarah Vine

LAST week perfumier Jo Malone committed the cardinal sin of mothers everywhere. She indulged in a PDA — a public display of affection — towards her teenage son.

And not just any PDA. She admitted she makes her 17-year-old son Josh’s bed — and sprays it with scent.

Don’t get me wrong: I think that’s lovely. Especially since 17- year- old boys aren’t the most fragrant creatures on the planet.

But poor Josh. It’s hard enough being a 17-year-old boy — bum fluff, spots, tragic dress sense — without having your mum telling everyone she makes your bed and sprays it with roses.

In fairness to her, I do understand. We mums have to stick together, especially in the face of teenage rejection. Especially when it comes to our boys who, generally, indulge our affections longer than girls.

My daughter — 15 today — hasn’t allowed me to give her a hug, let alone a kiss, since she was about 11.

My son, by contrast, is still happy to acknowledg­e me.

He may be 13, but he still says hello when he comes home after school (instead of stomping upstairs), eats the food I cook him (instead of insisting I make something different and then eating prawn cocktail crisps instead), and comes to the park with me and the dogs.

But I know it won’t last. One day soon he will wake up and realise that I am social Anthrax, and then there’ll be no more snuggling up in front of a movie. He will be in full ‘get off me, Mum’ mode, and I will have to survive on what little crumbs of affection he feeds me.

That’s when making a child’s bed becomes more about maintainin­g that parental connection, prolonging it for as long as possible. And as for the fragrance — that’s just mummy’s calling card.

We mums have to stick together, especially in the face of teenage rejection

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