Daily Mail

Children must wear specs too


PARENTS are very aware of the importance of applying suncream and making their children wear hats, but this isn’t enough, says David Cartwright, an optometris­t and trustee of the charity Eye UK.

‘ Sunglasses are just as important, because children’s eyes are more at risk of damage from ultraviole­t rays from the sun,’ he says. ‘The lenses in their eyes are clearer and the pupils are wider, so let in more harmful rays. This may lead to cataracts developing prematurel­y later in life.’

Children are also at greater risk as they spend more time outdoors than adults. ‘So they must wear sunglasses from whatever age they will keep them on — and that includes in the school playground,’ adds Dr Cartwright.

‘Babies should be kept in the shade as they often won’t keep sunglasses on.’

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