Daily Mail




1 Fortune teller’s item (7,4) 7 Informatio­n (4) 8 Stonework (7) 9 Tease (3) 10 Artist’s stand (5) 11 Bother or annoy (6) 13 Robbery at sea (6) 16 Minimum (5) 18 Possess (3) 19 Aquatic bird (7) 20 Weeps (4) 21 Subjugated or oppressed (11)


1 Ballroom dance (3-3) 2 Pines (6) 3 Fall awkwardly (6) 4 Smooth cotton thread (5) 5 Loss of memory (7) 6 Strong feeling of allegiance (7) 11 Chopper’s landing place (7) 12 Not deep (7) 13 At once (6) 14 Washed out (6) 15 Chemical element (6) 17 Unspoken (5)

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