Daily Mail

Fairy-tale wedding


The wedding of two much-loved people shows how much our Royal family are loved and revered, and how lucky we are to have them.

The americans would give their right arm to have what we have. It was a great day, and what’s more a slap in the face for Jeremy Corbyn and his Marxist acolytes.

STEPHEN TONG, Pudsey, W. Yorks. On The surface, a wonderful Cinderella story came to its very grand finale on saturday.

full marks to Prince Charles for the compassion he showed to the bewildered mother of the bride, lost with no support at all.

given Meghan and harry are so focused as a couple on charitable causes, including mental health, after the engagement Meghan’s parents should have been given counsellin­g to cope with their daughter’s future. after all, the Royal family has had a lifetime of training.

Yes, the ceremony was beautiful and happy, but real life now begins. and how can a truly charitable couple warrant spending such a vulgar amount on one day?

If it had been half as grand, just think how that money could have made a lot of people’s lives more bearable for a lot longer than a day.

CAROL HORNE, Liverpool. I hOPe that Meghan, with her vow to bring the Royals into the 21st century, does not become the mere mouthpiece for the human rights brigade of the Clooneys, Oprah Winfrey and angelina Jolie.

I am sure she will be a great companion for harry in their work for the Commonweal­th, but, like the Queen, she must keep away from politics. The reason we love our monarch so much is that she is wise, but silent, in comparison to all the other world leaders. DANA PERRIN, Ticehurst, E. Sussex.

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