Daily Mail

The people have spoken


GREG JORDAN of Yeovil thinks ‘the people should never have been entrusted to make such a momentous decision’ as vote on Brexit (Letters). What utter nonsense!

The majority of those who voted in the referendum have lived with the EU long enough to have decided whether or not to stay in without any help from either of the campaigns.

I wonder if he thinks the people should not be entrusted with voting for a government in a General Election, which is an equally momentous decision. BRIAN JACKSON, Marchwood, Hants. AS A family, we voted different ways in the referendum. We read and discussed d the consequenc­es of a Remain or Leave vote before making our decisions.

Is Mr Jordan suggesting everyone who voted is foolish or just those voting to Leave?

DAVID GUMMERS, Levens, Cumbria. I FEEL so sorry for Mr Jordan and others who are so ill-informed that they would remain members of the EU, whose track record has caused such disunity and hardship among its members.

COLIN WILLIAMS, Denbury, Devon. HOW H dare Mr Jordan imply the electorate was too stupid to be trusted with deciding whether to stay s or leave the EU.

We knew exactly what we were voting v for. I am sick and tired of Remainers looking down on Brexiteers and telling us we’re idiots.

Get over yourselves and accept the will of the people, as we Brexiteers would have done had you won. LESLEY RICHARDSON,

address supplied.

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