Daily Mail



latest edition of the internatio­nal Classifica­tion of Disease (iCD) — the ‘medical bible’ that details all recognised conditions — has been released by the World health Organisati­on. intriguing­ly, gender dysphoria is no longer listed in the mental health section. it is now known as ‘gender incongruen­ce’ and sits in the ‘sexual health’ section. the amendment is to meet the demands of some trans lobbyists to start ‘normalisin­g gender diversity’ with the aim of it no longer being labelled as an illness. But if we stop seeing this as a medical condition and simply part of life’s rich pattern, why should the NhS continue to fund its treatment? Why should trans people get dedicated mental health services, as they currently do? Or hormone therapy? Or surgery? this seems, to me, to be a bit of an own-goal for the trans community.

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