Daily Mail



1. While shopping, Mel picks some clothes from the racks of her favourite shop, then puts two items back. She swaps 20 pc of the remaining items for four others. Finally, she adds another third more. If she takes 16 items into the changing room, how many did she pick up to begin with? 2. What connects spiral, compressio­n and greenstick? 3. Which 2018 British Soap Award winner might PULL HAWK ORDER? 4. Odd one out: Wheels Of Fire, Electric Ladyland, Band Of Gypsys, Rainbow Bridge? 5. Which three-letter word completes the following longer words: ---tion, a---, ---tal, tor---t?

QUICK QUIZ ANSWERS: 1 Dominic Thiem. 2 Australia. 3 Hector. 4 South Shields. 5 Dragon. MINDBENDER ANSWERS: 1 12 items. 2 They are all types of bone fracture. 3 Rudolph Walker. 4 Wheels Of Fire, a Cream album; the others are Jimi Hendrix albums. 5 Men. Mention, amen, mental, torment. MASTERQUIZ ANSWERS: 1 Tibia. 2 Eye Level. 3 Walnuts. 4 Liam Plunkett. 5 Australia. 6 Mark Rutte.

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