Daily Mail



IS IT too late to sow maincrop carrots? I’ve got some space next to our leeks and thought they might help protect the seedlings from carrot fly. F. Tucker, Halifax. NOT too late, but get them sown within a day or two. Select a maincrop variety such as Autumn King Two or a fast developer such as Romance.

make sure you sow into a really well-prepared seed bed and, when necessary, irrigate your crop to keep those plants growing.

Carrots need about three months of good growing weather to mature. That takes you into mid-October so there’s just time. There’s less risk of carrot fly with late- sown crops, but the leeks being close by may also help to protect them.

Don’t be in a hurry to harvest. if this autumn is mild, they could still be expanding until late November and should be safe in the ground until you’re ready to eat them.

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