Daily Mail

Pillar box swallowed by tree axed as it’s ‘too dangerous’ for posties!

- Daily Mail Reporter

‘It’s survived two world wars’

A POSTBOX has been put out of action after more than a century because Royal Mail chiefs say collecting letters from it has become too dangerous.

The box is being swallowed up by a huge plane tree, the roots of which are apparently getting in the way of postmen.

But residents say they are baffled by the decision, which was taken on health and safety grounds. ‘This postbox has survived two world wars and millions of letters – but why are the postmen worried about stepping over a root or two?’ asked Meg Bryant, 32.

‘Surely it can’t be too much of a risk to step over the tree roots. It is a lot less dangerous than a barking dog coming at a letterbox.’

David Leyshon, 46, said: ‘It is a real landmark and a talking point – it is a shame it is now being blocked up by the Royal Mail. They should make a feature of it rather than consign it to the rubbish bin of health and safety madness.’

The pillar box was installed after housebuild­ing began on Ninian Road in Roath, Cardiff, in 1891. Grade II-listed, it carries the initials of Queen Victoria.

The plane tree was planted behind it as a sapling but is now 120ft tall. A sign on the box reads: ‘Royal Mail has had to remove this posting box from service as, due to the growth of the tree and the raised pavement, it is no longer safe to collect mail from. There are alternativ­e posting boxes a short distance away.’ Conservati­on policies remain in place to keep the oldest and rarest letter boxes within their community.

Royal Mail is required to provide a postbox within half a mile of 98 per cent of UK addresses.

 ??  ?? Sealed up! Mail chiefs say box is dangerous
Sealed up! Mail chiefs say box is dangerous
 ??  ?? Scrapped: The box against the tree
Scrapped: The box against the tree

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