Daily Mail



Today’s lunar eclipse converges with retrograde Mars in aquarius. a Full Moon typically brings a realisatio­n to illuminate a tense situation. Combined with an eclipse, that illuminati­on turns from a hand-held torch to a militarygr­ade searchligh­t! Even then, if you’re expecting an easy breakthrou­gh you may be frustrated. With Mercury and Mars retrograde, appearing to be retracing their steps, nothing will be obvious or instant. But Venus, this weekend, promises that if we listen to our hearts, valuable insight can be gained.

ARIES SINCE a dull life isn’t Mar 21 — Apr 20 your cup of tea, there’s a good chance you’re enjoying yourself. The eclipse is ensuring there’s enough drama to keep an entire tea party entertaine­d! In fact, even you are starting to feel the need for some peace and quiet. You prefer it when action comes in dunkable bite-size pieces and the ongoing tension’s exciting. Yet your current reason for stress isn’t as serious as you think. Like a biscuit you don’t like, it might leave an unpleasant taste — but it won’t last long. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS THE good news is Apr 21 — May 21 the particular problem you’re facing is also providing the possibilit­y to find a solution. The Blood Moon Eclipse suggests if you look hard, you’ll see that you have a reason to go ahead, despite any challenges. You’re also feeling restricted by a time restraint. Yet, as long as you have the energy and desire to continue, nothing is non-negotiable. You’ll find an inventive way of bringing your plans to fruition and reaching the success you’ve been striving for. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI WE’RE taught May 22 — June 22 that people dislike having the wool pulled over their eyes. Yet, actually, it doesn’t take much of an investigat­ion to realise that we don’t mind at all. That’s why we’re all so easily hoodwinked. If it means that we can keep our favourite fantasies intact, we don’t mind being fooled at all! It’s being relieved of our delusions that we don’t like! As the Lunar Eclipse begins to bring you new understand­ing, you need to be wise and courageous enough to see that it’s helpful. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5603. CANCER YOU’RE a June 23 — July 23 person of your word, a keeper of promises, and you feel quite justly fulfilled by your constancy in this respect. You continue trying to adhere to commitment­s when they become challengin­g, even arduous. This is why it feels so awkward when you’re caught between two opposing priorities. The situation you’re facing now can be resolved by following your instincts, just so long as you act with openness and honesty. The Lunar Eclipse will help you to take action you need to take. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5604. LEO AS TODAY brings a July 24 — Aug 23 total Lunar Blood Moon Eclipse in your opposite sign, someone important will reveal a side to themselves you’ve only glimpsed. This is likely to lead to the renegotiat­ion of an agreement or a deal. Something you thought had been finalised can be re-examined and changed. If you keep calm and confident, and remain unnerved by noisy distractio­ns, you’ll realise that this is very much to your advantage. This is a developmen­t that can potentiall­y benefit everyone involved. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO JUST imagine you Aug 24 — Sep 23 had been given a motorbike to save you time getting to work every day. Now suppose that you had no idea how to ride it. Because you’re worried that it might be vandalised, you end up pushing it with you as you walk. I know! That’s a crazy idea! Yet there’s a strong possibilit­y that you’re taking something that can and should be making things easy for you and turning it into something stressful. Today’s Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings the time to transform a challenge. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5606. LIBRA THERE’S a classic Sep 24 — Oct 23 song from the musical Annie Get Your Gun, which begins: ‘There’s no business like showbusine­ss.’ It continues by explaining the reality of life in the entertainm­ent industry. The upbeat melody disguises the reality of having to ‘go on with the show’ despite any number of personal concerns and difficulti­es. As with showbiz, so with life. The powerful Lunar Eclipse is emphasisin­g an opportunit­y for you to reveal the truth of your feelings. Disguises and acts are no longer required. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO WHEN we’re Oct 24 — Nov 22 happy in our domestic situation, it makes a big difference to how we relate to the world. We can cope with difficult conditions when we know that we have somewhere safe and welcoming to return to. And when there’s something uncomforta­ble happening in that safe space, it has a profound effect and can transform a minor irritation into a major maelstrom. Today’s Blood Moon Eclipse brings you the chance to tackle a problem that needs solving. With care and confidence, you can do it. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5608. SAGITTARIU­S IF YOU Nov 23 — Dec 21 need to have a complex conversati­on, or exchange a difficult point of view, it’s often a good idea to start it with a humdrum chat. That’s why we discuss the weather. It’s a perfect way to break the ice and find something uncontrove­rsial to talk about. It finds common ground, from which trickier conversati­ons can be held. As long as you’re diplomatic, today’s powerful Lunar Eclipse highlights an opportunit­y for you to get your message across. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN THE Blood Dec 22 — Jan 20 Moon Eclipse is obliging you to rethink the most important matters in your life. It’s a chance to see the priorities and opinions you’re being influenced by — and check who they belong to. Are you following other people’s advice to such an extent that you’ve lost sight of your own sense of value and your own needs? You need to have confidence in your own ability to judge what’s right and what’s not. Today, at last, you can see a familiar situation in a new and creative light. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5610. AQUARIUS WE TEACH our Jan 21 — Feb 19 kids as we were taught ourselves, rewarding them for being good and punishing them when they’re naughty. As they grow older, they have to deal with exacting teachers and are expected to follow complex rules of behaviour. It’s a wonder that we ever learn to think for ourselves and make our own judgments! As Mars presides over the powerful Lunar Eclipse in your sign, it calls you to be assertive and overcome an old fear. You can be brave today. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5611. PISCES TODAY’S Blood Feb 20 — Mar 20 Moon Eclipse brings a little relief, as something that’s been stuck is finally free to move forward. A part of you has been suppressed, trapped in a cage, but can be liberated. Moments like this can feel daunting. Yet if you focus on the potential of new discoverie­s and inspiring ways to escape from boring scenarios and dull situations, you’ll appreciate the way your world is unfolding. There’s a new idea hovering somewhere in your mind. You can focus on that today. It’s an exceptiona­l day. The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse brings change and transforma­tion. For important news, call 0906 751 5612.

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