Daily Mail

Backlash as plaque for terror attack PC is left on Parliament canteen door

- By Tom Witherow

A TRIBUTE to the policeman killed in the Westminste­r Bridge attack has been condemned as a ‘disgrace’ after a plaque honouring him was placed on a canteen door.

MPs say the memorial on the door to the police mess on the parliament­ary estate does not reflect the sacrifice PC Keith Palmer, 48, pictured, made in tackling armed fanatic Khalid Masood.

Conservati­ve MP Nadine Dorries said: ‘It’s an absolute disgrace. There is so much waste in Westminste­r, we can surely find the money to provide a decent memorial for a real hero.’

Labour MP Jack Dromey said: ‘The much-loved PC Keith died to defend Parliament and democracy. His memory should be commemorat­ed by having the gates to Parliament called the Palmer Gates.’

An officer added: ‘We’re honoured to have our mess named after Keith. We’ll never forget him. But it would be a terrible shame if the Parliament­ary authoritie­s fail to recognise his bravery with a proper memorial on permanent display for all visitors.’

The comments came as an inquest into the deaths in the attack opened last week. Kurt Cochran, 54, Leslie Rhodes, 75, Aysha Frade, 44, and Andreea Cristea, 31, were also killed.

The police officer’s family raised concerns at the inquest over the lack of armed protection at the gates of Parliament.

PC Palmer was not armed when he was faced with the knife-wielding terrorist, who had just mown down dozens of pedestrian­s on Westminste­r Bridge.

The inquest was shown ‘distressin­g’ footage of the moment PC Palmer was stabbed in New Palace Yard, as well as a ‘chilling’ image of Masood with a carving knife in each hand. Plaincloth­es armed officers shot and killed Masood and people rushed to the fallen PC to offer first aid.

A House of Commons Commission source told The Sun on Sunday that discussion­s were continuing about how to mark the officer’s courage.

 ??  ?? Low key: The plaque on the police mess door
Low key: The plaque on the police mess door
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