Daily Mail

Row as scientist tells women: We men invented physics

- By Mary O’Connor

A MALE scientist who said ‘physics was invented and built by men, it’s not by invitation’ has been suspended by a prestigiou­s nuclear research centre.

Professor Alessandro Strumia was called a bigot by critics after his ‘highly offensive’ presentati­on about women in physics.

The physicist, from Pisa University in Italy, was hosting a workshop at Cern, the nuclear centre in Geneva, last Friday as a guest scientist when he made the controvers­ial comments. He claimed that one graph he presented demonstrat­ed that women were hired over men whose work was cited more by other researcher­s, which is an indication of high quality.

He told the audience, which included young female physicists, that he himself had been rejected for a job he believed he was more qualified for, in favour of a woman. Cern – which currently has its first ever female director-general, Fabiola Gianotti – said it had immediatel­y suspended Professor Strumia from returning to the centre, pending an investigat­ion.

It described his comments as offensive’ and ‘unacceptab­le’.

Planetary scientist Mara Reed, from Berkeley University in California, who attended the talk, said: ‘He argues that too much money is spent on funding diversity ‘ highly and therefore discrimina­tion against men. Strumia thinks he is brave to point out the “truth”. Well, he’s not brave. He’s a bigot.’

Professor Strumia stood by his comments, which he said were based on objective data analysis and research by other scientists.

He said: ‘Some people don’t want to hear things that disagree with their ideology. We found in my work that there is no discrimina­tion against women. The goal of science is to find the truth, not to find what is nice.’

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