Daily Mail

Broker smashed jaw of female colleague in row over daughter

- By Elliott Kime

AN insurance broker smashed a female colleague’s jaw into three pieces and then complained to a court that ‘his life is ruined’.

Steven Herbert, 56, threw a punch at his friend Lloyd Cross, an insurance underwrite­r who had made ‘sexually suggestive’ comments about Herbert’s daughter, a judge was told.

When office manager Donna West, 45, got involved, ‘launching herself’ at Herbert, he hit her too, sending her to the floor.

Inner London Crown Court heard that the father of three had been drinking at a lunchtime business meeting on October 25 last year, before spending the evening with his adult daughter, Mr Cross and Miss West. When Mr Cross made his comments, Herbert escorted his daughter from the City bar – but returned to snatch Mr Cross’s iPhone to stop him calling his daughter. Prosecutor Rory Keene said: ‘He took it from Mr Cross and the complainan­t asked for it back and Mr Herbert smacked him in the face, a single punch. Donna West came running across the bar, drops her bag and launches herself at Mr Herbert, causing him to react and causing the unfortunat­e injury ...’

CCTV footage showed Herbert, director of BMS’s global reinsuranc­e division, knocking Mr Cross down and then swinging a leftattack hook at Miss West.

Miss West, friends with Herbert for 25 years, needed intensive operations and suffers from an absence of taste.

Lewis Power, for Herbert, of Layer De La Haye, Essex, said: ‘He struck Mr Cross forcefully and Donna West ran over, realising the situation was in turmoil and intervened and thinking someone was going to him, struck out in selfdefenc­e. He believes not only her life has been ruined but his own. He was told he may now lose his job.’

Herbert was put on a 12month community order after admitting inflicting grievous bodily harm on Miss West and assaulting Mr Cross. He must pay £ 2,000 compensati­on, £2,000 costs and an £85 victim surcharge. He must also undertake 135 hours’ community service and will be tagged at night for three months.

 ??  ?? ‘Life ruined’: Steven Herbert
‘Life ruined’: Steven Herbert

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