Daily Mail



EVERY week, Money Mail receives hundreds of your letters and emails about our stories. Here are some from our article about pensioners being pressured into closing Post Office card accounts: I’M DISABLED and it would cost me £30 for a round trip in a taxi to my nearest bank branch. I trust the Post Office, I’ve been collecting my pension there for years and I don’t want that to change. I think it’s disgracefu­l that I am being pressured into giving it up.

S. P., Bognor Regis, W. Sussex.

A CARD is a card in my opinion — whether it’s a debit card or a Post Office card. If you have a bank account, you can save yourself a lot of time and bother by paying your bills by direct debit and not having to go out in all weathers to pay by cheque.

S. T., Devon.

MY MUM will continue to receive her pension through her Post Office card. She has no desire to change it to a bank account. If the money were paid this way, she would end up spending it all and there would be nothing left to pay the bills.

G. N., Cornwall.

AH, THE memories of the British Post Office. I emigrated 40 years ago, but I can still remember the familiar smells and the piled- up parcels. I understand how many people feel secure there, but do they not realise how convenient online banking can be?

L. E., Canada.

MY MOTHER received a letter, categorica­lly stating that her Post Office account would close. I spent forever trying to arrange a transfer, but the Post Office did not want to release her money into the new account. It was so unhelpful that, in the end, I was glad she moved.

H. Y., London.

POST OFFICE card accounts let pensioners take out what they need each week. There are no bank charges and some people who use the Post Office card may not qualify to open a bank account. I don’t see why banks should be profiting from this.

G. N., London.

 ??  ?? Money Mail, October 10
Money Mail, October 10

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