Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


÷ WILL Fergie and Andrew wed again (Mail)? As we say up North: ‘They won’t be spoiling another couple if they do.’


÷ AFTER about 800 bottles of champagne were enjoyed at the Royal Wedding, the Queen could replenish the Palace wine cellars with sparkling wine from the Commonweal­th.

R. LONGWORTH, Altrincham, Gtr Manchester.

÷ WHY not a different chairman every week for Question Time? It works for Have I Got News For You.

R. J. ANDREWS, Farnboroug­h, Hants.

÷ ROBERT PESTON should take over the Question Time chair. He wouldn’t need a panel because he answers his own questions.

WILF DOE, Nottingham.

÷ THERE are Customs barriers between Northern Ireland and the Republic. Exporting heavy fuel oil across the border, the company I worked for paid duties on export to the Irish exchequer and reclaimed UK duty from HMRC.


÷ WHY doesn’t Theresa May agree to a border for Northern Ireland and then get G4S to maintain it — problem sorted.

MIKE HOLT, Cambridge.

÷ SAVE the £100 billion for HS2 by advising travellers to get up half an hour earlier.

ROY MARTIN, Maidstone, Kent.

÷ SEANN WALSH’S biggest faux pas was not taking off his hat before kissing Strictly’s Katya.


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