Daily Mail



Hi Oscar, I have a question about horoscopes and Caesarean births. My baby was due on November 22, but I’ve been told I need a C-section. I’ve been given a date for the operation. Do I base my daughter’s sign on her original due date or the date of the procedure? Yours, Barb Hi Barb, Each of us is unique. There’s only one of us and we only have one natal chart to cast. It’s the moment that we first draw breath that’s the time to cast it. Good luck! Oscar

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

IS THERE an improvemen­t in the air? Yes, there is. You don’t have to embark on anything too difficult or convoluted either. Nor do you need to wear a set of metaphoric­al blinkers or kid yourself that things are better than they really are. You just need to ask for some help. Who should you turn to? Talk to someone you trust. Or ask a higher power, or your higher self. The direction of your call for assistance is almost irrelevant. It’s asking, and then being able to trust that you’ll receive an answer, that counts for most. Treat yourself to valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

WHY tell yourself that you can’t do something until you’ve at least given it a good go? We’re conditione­d to be so nervous of failing that the mere thought is enough to stop us in our tracks. Yet, if you’re weighing up the risks involved in a plan, what really is at stake? What lies behind your fear? It’s highly likely that when you’ve poked around in the depths of your psyche, you’ll find that it’s a question of pride. You can go beyond that today. If you try your best, you’ll be surprised by the gains you make. Do yourself a favour! Treat yourself. There’s exciting news in your in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

OF COURSE we all know that criticisms can be constructi­ve. It’s just that making a point, without antagonisi­ng anyone, is a refined skill. You need to explain your views in a positive and diplomatic way today, otherwise it’s possible that your alternativ­e idea will be pushed aside as being ‘too hard’. It could easily be received with antipathy and animosity. The cosmic challenge is to find a way to listen to what’s really being said and to find a skilful way to say what needs to be heard. Lift your spirits. Change your life! Your in-depth, four-minute forecast has important news. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

PEOPLE who make weapons and ammunition obviously have a vested interest in the conflicts around the world. Surgeons only have a job if people need operating on, and pharmaceut­ical companies rely on us needing medication. If you were into conspiracy theories, it would be easy to embellish these, and other such similar facts, and imagine that an amount of manipulati­on occurs in order to create a need. I’m in no way suggesting that — but it’s worth being aware of hidden agendas today. To hear how your life could change for the better soon, call your in- depth forecast: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

‘DON’T trouble trouble until it troubles you,’ is a familiar saying. But wouldn’t it be wise to keep an eye out for trouble? Otherwise, how do you know where it’s waiting to catch you unawares? Surely if you could see where it was, you could get out of its way. The trouble with trouble is that it seems to have an inner radar which picks up people who are on the look out for it. It seems to be attracted to such folk. So, for today at least, if you don’t bother looking out for it, it will be off in another direction. Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

WHY is it so hard to remember the effectiven­ess of whispering? We live in such a noisy world, being constantly bombarded with adverts and pop-ups and phones ringing, that we seem to have adapted our senses so that we ignore loud, flashy signs and sounds. We’re sensoriall­y satiated. So those rare moments, when something is quietly spoken in a persuasive way, are powerful. Yet can you trust the subtle murmurings you’re hearing about a person or situation? Don’t be too quick to judge today. Do yourself a favour! Treat yourself. There’s exciting news in your in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

PEOPLE say: ‘What’s gone is gone.’ And they may well be right, but what happens to stuff when it’s going? Where does it go? Does it go anywhere? Just because you’ve experience­d a sense of loss recently doesn’t mean that you’re going to lose out now. Although life tends to follow rhythms and cycles, events don’t go wrong any more than they go right. The cosmic invitation is to let go of the pessimisti­c attitude that’s been creeping up on you. Actually, something that you thought you’d lost is making a return. Lift your spirits. Change your life! Your in-depth, four-minute forecast has important news. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

ALTHOUGH division and multiplica­tion may appear to be opposites, the two are, well, indivisibl­e! The more multiplyin­g you do (i.e. the more productive you become), the better you need to be at dividing your time. Conversely, when your mind is divided into too many ideas, you’re unlikely to experience a multiplica­tion of possibilit­ies. Let’s make a parallel between numbers and life. So as you assess a situation today, rather than considerin­g what it can be made into, think about what it actually is. You’ll be able to enjoy that. To hear how your life could change for the better soon, call your in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

DEEPAK CHOPRA, the New Age guru, writes that by ‘having a single thought of violence or hatred, we contribute to the wounding of the world’. It makes you think about responsibi­lity, and how easy it is to sit in front of a screen and tut-tut, without addressing our own impact on the amount of kindness exhibited by our fellow men and women. Of course, healing the world is going to take a lot more than just thinking loving thoughts. But it’s a fine place to start. Be your considerat­e best today. Treat yourself to some valuable insight and priceless informatio­n. Call your in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

IT’S easy, from the comfort of the sofa, to answer questions on even the most stressful game shows. People say that it’s much harder under the glare of the studio lights — and, once the cameras are rolling, it’s hard to imagine how much harder it could be. Just as someone else’s problems are much easier to solve than our own, so is answering someone else’s round of general knowledge. Try asking yourself how someone else would deal with your current dilemma. You might be surprised by the insight you gain. Do yourself a favour! Treat yourself. There’s exciting news in your in-depth, four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

MOST people seem to find it easier to criticise than to offer encouragem­ent and praise. Expressing warm, loving feelings makes us vulnerable to criticism… no one wants to be around someone who is gushy or over-emotional, do they? So we tend to keep these things to ourselves. Yet when you’re feeling low, or fearful, or full of doubts, it’s hard to quantify the effect a few supportive words can have on your morale. If you’re kind and considerat­e today, you’ll be one of many who benefit. Lift your spirits. Change your life! Your in-depth, four-minute forecast has important news. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

I’M REMINDED of the saying that ‘the road to hell is paved with good intentions’, when I think of the kindness you’ve been showing to someone. You’re not obliged to dive in and rescue anyone from a difficult situation. Yet you’ve been noble-hearted in your efforts, with no apparent appreciati­on. Giving, without expectatio­n of receiving anything in return, is a liberating exercise that frees you from the stress of the grab-it-while-you-can mentality which is so prevalent. You’re absolutely doing the right thing. To hear how your life could change for the better soon, call your in-depth forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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