Daily Mail

Unsavoury junkets


WHILE it is right to highlight MPs who have accepted lavish hospitalit­y from Saudi Arabia (Mail), this has only been prompted by the suspected state-sponsored murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

All MPs should be named who have received hospitalit­y from any unsavoury regime in the name of ‘broadening understand­ing’. These junkets should be stopped.

I want my MP dealing with local issues and not cavorting on an allexpense­s-paid luxury holiday dressed up as a fact-finding mission. ANGUS FERGUSON, Terrington, N. Yorks. ON TOP of all the perks and advantages they get, it appears MPs have no problem with accepting ‘hospitalit­y’ from regimes such as the Saudis. They act only in their own or party interest — few inspire the confidence that they work with Britain’s best interest in mind.

DON McCALLUM, Eastbourne, E. Sussex.

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