Daily Mail


One surviving band member was missing at the opening night of the new Queen movie: ex-bassist John Deacon, worth £105m but a virtual recluse for 30 years. Last week we found him in blissful suburban retirement where it’s golf and anonymity that now rock h

- By Alison Boshoff

WEARING a sensible navy jumper, the balding man grinding out a cigarette butt on a South London street last week could hardly cut a more humdrum figure.

His hair is grey and his demeanour middleaged. This week, just a few miles away, his former friends Brian May and Roger Taylor strolled up the purple carpet at the premiere of the film Bohemian Rhapsody, but there wasn’t a hint of razzamataz here.

This is John Deacon, the ‘lost’ member of Queen. Worth a reported £105 million, he has nothing to do with the band any more.

Queen were, of course, shattered by Freddie Mercury’s death in 1991, but since then, May and Taylor have continued to record, tour and perform, both as solo artists and as Queen.

They have put together the successful stage musical We Will Rock You, and continue to tour with vocalist Adam Lambert standing in.

However Deacon — who wrote some of the band’s biggest hits including Another One Bites The Dust, Under Pressure and You’re My Best Friend — has disappeare­d from view.

The fact, I have discovered, is that this quiet, intelligen­t man, now 67, always ducks out of anything to do with public appearance­s.

The band’s PR man, Phil Symes, told me this week: ‘He’s just living a private life.’

Guitarist May adds: ‘It’s his choice. He doesn’t contact us. John was quite delicate all along.’

Indeed his lifestyle in South London is so reclusive and quiet — and his attitude to fame so hostile — that the band apparently don’t expect him to respond when they contact him.

His wife sometimes tells callers to their home that he ‘doesn’t live here’, or that she ‘doesn’t know where he is’.

NEIGHBOURS­say that they are aware that he lives next door, but they barely see him from one year to the next. The only exception was the local pub, where he used to call in three times a week for a glass of white wine with his wife — but it has now become a supermarke­t. So why is he so reclusive? Drummer Taylor describes him as a ‘ sociopath’, while May suggests that Deacon has never recovered since a booze and drug-soaked period which he implies led to a breakdown more than 35 years ago.

Extraordin­arily, Taylor says they haven’t spoken in more than a decade. ‘I haven’t heard a squeak from John, not a single guttural grunt,’ he adds. ‘ We’re not in touch but John’s a sociopath, really, and he’s given his blessing to whatever Brian and I might do with the brand — and we’ve done rather a lot.’

May says he contacts Deacon often to ask permission for various commercial enterprise­s to do with Queen (Deacon remains a quarter shareholde­r in Queen Production­s Limited) but it’s not clear how much of a response he gets.

The company is blue-chip to say the least — turnover was recorded at £18.5 million in 2017, with that figure set to swell thanks to the new film.

Not that you would suspect such riches from his unassuming home in Putney, which he bought with his first royalty cheque.

He’s never moved, because he didn’t want to disrupt the schooling of his six children. This quiet living is the exact opposite of the showy excesses of Queen.

The band were famous for always demanding the best, for spending more than anyone else on private jets, stretch limos, fleets of assistants, hairdresse­rs, designer stage costumes and the rest.

There were four-course backstage feasts with candelabra­s, orgiastic parties involving dwarves and bowls of cocaine and appearance­s by performanc­e artists, like the man who lay naked under a pile of chopped liver and was ordered to make the meat twitch when people walked past.

The band was formed in 1970, originatin­g from a band called Smile which included May, then a student at Imperial College.

A fan of the band was Farrokh Bulsara, a student at Ealing College, who joined as the vocalist and changed his name to Freddie Mercury.

They had a number of bass players before settling on Deacon. Legend has it that he was the seventh one they auditioned.

‘We were so over-the-top, we thought that because he was quiet, he would fit in with us without too much upheaval,’ recalled Taylor. May agreed: ‘He’s very solid and no-nonsense. He’s always got his feet firmly on the ground.’

Deacon grew up in Leicesters­hire, the eldest child of an insurance broker, Arthur, who died when John was 11.

He had been encouraged by his father to take up music, and formed his own band at 14. Deacon was, like May, a technologi­cal pioneer.

He has a first-class degree in electronic­s from Chelsea College, and used to build equipment for the band, his most famous creation being the ‘Deacy Amp’ amplifier.

Worldwide fame came in the mid 70s, with Bohemian Rhapsody. Their touring was legendary and their studio albums were complex and expensive to make.

DEACONwas known to hang back on stage, and those who remember him from this time say he seemed cripplingl­y shy — although with a dry sense of humour.

‘John is one of those guys who will say nothing and then he will crack a joke, something really near the knuckle, and you will think: “Did I really hear that right?” says Jacky Smith, who runs the Queen Internatio­nal fan club. He and Freddie were particular­ly friendly and would hang out together between gigs.

Manager Chris O’Donnell says: ‘Brian May and Roger Taylor, who were the real rockers in the band, would slip away to hang out at some club in town leaving Freddie and John behind. John gradually started leaving too, and Freddie would go off to prowl the gay clubs.’

Phil Sutcliffe, author of Queen: The Ultimate Illustrate­d History of the Crown Kings of Rock, said: ‘John Deacon was very much the silent bass player which is why these days he can go around practicall­y incognito, which is just the way he likes it.

‘He was always ambivalent about the attention.

‘Queen was a very volatile partnershi­p between three explosive personalit­ies, and then you had John, who was the still point. He had his family early on, from 1975, and was very much a family man.’

Deacon married Veronica Tetzlaff, a pretty blonde Polish Catholic trainee teacher, in January 1975 when she was pregnant with their first son, Robert, and Queen were just tasting global fame. They went on to have four more sons and a daughter. May said in an

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