Daily Mail

Baked custard tart with mulled, spiced plums


A CLASSIC custard tart served with spiced plums. This is a delicious combinatio­n.


● 250g ready made, sweet shortcrust pasty

● 400ml double cream

● 1 vanilla pod, split and seeds scraped

● 5 egg yolks

● 1 whole egg

● 100g caster sugar


● 4 tbsp caster sugar

● 50g butter

● 8-10 dark-skinned plums, halved and stones removed

● 100ml red wine

● 1 bay leaf ● 1 cinnamon stick

● ½ teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

● 2 cloves

● 2 star anise GreaSe a high-sided 30cm flan tin. roll out the pastry on a lightly floured surface and use to line the tin, leaving any excess pastry hanging over the edges.

Line with greaseproo­f paper and fill with dried beans or rice, then leave to rest in the fridge for 20-30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 180c/350f/ gas 4. Bake the tart shell for 12-15 minutes until the pastry is set. remove from the oven and take out the greaseproo­f paper and beans or rice. Using a sharp knife, carefully trim off the excess pastry. turn the oven down to 130c/250f/gas 1.

to make the filling, in a small saucepan, bring the cream to the boil with the vanilla pod and seeds, then remove from the heat and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Discard the vanilla pod. Using a wooden spoon, beat the egg yolks and whole egg together in a bowl with the sugar until smooth. Slowly stir in the infused cream, then pass the custard through a fine sieve into a jug.

When you’re ready to fill the tart, place the tart shell on a baking tray in the oven, then pull the shelf out a little. Pour the filling into the tart shell until it is full then carefully slide the shelf back and close the oven door.

Bake for 40-50 minutes or until the custard is just set: when you gently shake the tray, the custard should still wobble slightly.

Meanwhile, for the plums, place the sugar and butter in a frying pan over high heat. When bubbling, add the plums, red wine, bay leaf and spices. reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes until the juices have thickened to a syrup then remove from the heat and cool slightly. Serve the tart with the warm plums.

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