Daily Mail

Steamed chocolate & clementine sponge with orange sauce


THIS is a great rib-sticking pud to indulge yourself with in the cold weather — you can make it with oranges if you prefer. It’s also a great way to use up a glut of fruit left over after the frantic stocking up for the festive period. SERVES 4-6


● 175g unsalted butter, softened, plus more for the bowl

● 8 clementine­s,

● 175g golden caster sugar

● 3 medium eggs, lightly beaten

● 125g self-raising flour

● 50g cocoa powder

● 1 tsp baking powder

● Pinch of salt


● 75g caster sugar

● ½ vanilla pod, split, seeds scraped out

● 50ml orange liqueur

● 100ml orange juice

● Juice of 1 clementine

● 40g unsalted butter

● 200g crème fraîche, to serve FIRST butter a 1.2-litre heatproof bowl then carefully cut the skin from the clementine­s and cut into thick slices. Pat the slices dry, then use them to line the inside of the buttered bowl.

Start with one in the centre then five around it, repeating all the way up to the top.

Place the butter, sugar, eggs, flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt into a bowl and whisk until light and fluffy. Spoon carefully into the clementine­lined bowl.

Lay a sheet of greaseproo­f paper on to a sheet of foil, pleat both layers in the centre to create an overlap, then tie around the bowl with string. Take a long piece of foil and fold lengthways in half to make a handle.

Place a cloth in the base of a large saucepan, then put an upside-down saucer or small plate on it. Fill halfway up with water. Place the foil-covered bowl on to the long, foldedover piece of foil, then into the saucepan (this acts as a handle later to lift the pudding bowl out of the saucepan). Cover and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 1½-2 hours.

For the sauce, heat a sauté pan until hot, add the caster sugar and vanilla seeds and heat, without stirring, until it turns to a light golden caramel, shaking the pan from time to time. Add the orange liqueur and, standing well back, set alight. When the flames die down, add the orange and clementine juices and cook for two or three minutes until it makes a thin sauce.

Add the butter and swirl to combine and thicken. Use the foil strip to lift the pudding bowl out of the saucepan, then discard the foil and baking parchment. Place a plate on top and turn over, tipping the pudding on to the plate.

Pour the orange sauce over the top of the pudding and serve immediatel­y.

Pour the crème fraîche into a jug or bowl and serve alongside — then dig in!

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