Daily Mail



Venus represents love and beauty, harmony and pleasure, money and value. so what happens when it’s moving backwards across our skies? no! It doesn’t bring contrastin­g characteri­stics. While it’s involved in a lengthy opposition to uranus, it’s calling for a re-evaluation of all that we hold dear. And, although that might mean facing some home truths, it will help us see what’s important. now that the planet of love is back in its own sign of Libra, we’ll be able to strike a better balance.

ARIES Mar 21 — Apr 20

WITH so much to do and so little time in which to do it, it’s no wonder that we all feel stretched to the max. Your kindhearte­dness means that you’re very aware of other people’s struggles . . . and unable to stop yourself from trying to help. But, in the face of so many problems, how can you make a difference? Is there even any point in trying? Yes! As Venus changes signs, even if you manage to do one tiny thing today, it will have a bigger impact than you could ever imagine. Your best will be good enough. November’s here! For your special, in-depth prediction for the whole of the month, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 — May 21

WE ALL jump to conclusion­s. As soon as someone begins a story, we leap ahead, trying to beat them to the end of their thought to see if they antelope. See? You were convinced that I was about to say something different! Perhaps you’re even feeling a bit disappoint­ed that you got it wrong. But how could you possibly have known what I was going to say? Likewise, the cosmos retains the right to shock us. Don’t look for predictabi­lity today, particular­ly if it’s an undesirabl­e outcome you are foreseeing. For news about November to make your heart leap, call your in-depth, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 — June 22

LOS ANGELES to New York . . . it’s a simple journey to make. First, take a flight to Mexico City, change there and head to Panama. From Panama City, head to Rio and then jump on a flight bound for JFK. Or you could take a more complicate­d route via Alaska, taking in the Northern lights. Which route would you prefer? The quickest? The cheapest? We take similarly complicate­d routes on the journey throughout our lives. Today, as Venus changes signs, it’s worth taking a look at your options. November’s here! For your special, in-depth prediction for the whole of the month, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 — July 23

WHAT, exactly, can’t you afford? I know, I know. Ask a silly question . . . But, if we take away the private plane and Caribbean island, what’s left? Rather, what is really and truly missing from your life? Of course, there are hundreds of things you’d like to have — but only a couple that you really, profoundly need. Fortunatel­y, you’re about to discover exactly how to bring these vital things into your universe. Life has been tricky recently — but, as Venus changes signs, hope is winging in your direction. For news about November to make your heart leap, call your in-depth, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 — Aug 23

ALTHOUGH our days may follow similar formats (so that they appear almost indistingu­ishable), they are not the same. Every so often, a profound and powerful situation arises that leads to an important change of perspectiv­e. The sense of hesitation you’re feeling is appropriat­e because you’re still not in possession of the informatio­n you need. Yet, as Venus changes signs, you’re beginning to have more faith in your understand­ing of a key situation. Soon, you’ll be able to make a wise decision. November’s here! For your special, in-depth prediction for the whole of the month, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 — Sep 23

WHAT do you know? And how do you know you know it? Someone has given you informatio­n that seems to hold the potential to destabilis­e everything you have long held to be true. The problem with informatio­n is that we’re not usually aware of what we don’t know. Until new knowledge becomes available, don’t be tempted to jump to any decisions. Don’t judge. Don’t burn any bridges . . . and don’t be too opinionate­d. When you have more of the facts, you’ll be able to act with confidence. For news about November to make your heart leap, call your in-depth, monthahead forecast: 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 — Oct 23

POLLS. Studies. Surveys. Modern fortune-tellers analyse these when they are predicting the nature of events that have yet to unfold. These sophistica­ted oracles have as much confidence in their method as astrologer­s do when reading planetary movements. But cosmic systems are reliable, whereas people, when asked their opinion, often say what they think the questioner wants to hear. To get a grasp on the true nature of events today, watch out for truths that can’t quite be trusted. November’s here! For your special, in-depth prediction for the whole of the month, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 — Nov 22

WHERE did you put the contract after you had signed it? Surely you would have placed it somewhere for safekeepin­g, so that you could refer back to it? You know the one? It was the manuscript you signed before your arrival on planet Earth: it promised you a simple life. We all have a notion that life is supposed to be easy. One of the greatest ironies is that the more we expect to be all right, the less we feel all right. As Venus changes signs today, if you expect less, you will actually receive more. For news about November to make your heart leap, call your in-depth, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 — Dec 21

IN THE classic Monty Python film The Meaning Of Life, there’s an unforgetta­ble scene in which a very large man eats an enormous meal. When the waiter politely and persistent­ly encourages him to have another, tiny delicacy, he succumbs — with explosive results. Although you’re used to keeping lots of plates spinning, even you are struggling to keep them all in the air. You are not in a position to take on anything else. If you want to avoid a drama, give yourself some space. November’s here! For your special, in-depth prediction for the whole of the month, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 — Jan 20

WHAT’S available to you? What’s achievable without the need to work incredibly hard? Whatever that is, it’s all that you need do today. If you find yourself struggling or pushing yourself, then it’s only because you’ve accidental­ly overcompli­cated an issue that could be much simpler. Imagine that you’re an escape artist, trying to find your way out of a padlocked bag. The harder you struggle, the more entangled you become. If you relax, your chains will fall away. There’s an organic and easier way to proceed. For news about November to make your heart leap, call your in-depth, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 — Feb 19

TELEVISION­S, dishwasher­s, computers and wi-fi systems all have their moments when they don’t work properly. Faults develop which sometimes work themselves out and, at other times, need profession­al interventi­on. People can be equally unpredicta­ble when it comes to their performanc­e and reliabilit­y. Someone in your world is acting as if everything’s OK when there’s a problem that needs to be solved. The faster you acknowledg­e what’s really going on, the faster a solution will be found. November’s here! For your special, in-depth prediction for the whole of the month, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 — Mar 20

THERE’S something comforting about having a plan that’s cast in stone, even if we don’t particular­ly like what it involves. Knowing where we’re supposed to be and what we’re supposed to be doing makes us feel secure, whereas the space that comes from ‘unknowing’ leaves room for nagging doubt. As Venus changes signs, it encourages you to make space for something completely new and different in your world. If you allow an idea to unfold, a positive process of change will begin. For news about November to make your heart leap, call your in-depth, monthahead forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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