Daily Mail

Blind date


EVEry week, we send a couple out on a blind date. This week Pete Cunniff, 70, had lunch at The Lamb Inn in burford, Oxfordshir­e, with Jeannie Craig, 67.

Pete is a retired aircraft engineer and pilot who is separated with three children. He lives in Maidenhead. Jeannie, a retired health worker, is divorced and lives in Cheltenham.


WHEN I arrived at the restaurant, I spotted Pete and he came over to greet me. He has a lovely face and a wonderful friendly manner, so I knew we would have a good time together. And I was amazed to find out that he’s travelled as much as I have, and lived abroad, too.

I’ve had a very active, busy life and have travelled extensivel­y. I’m a retired health profession­al and, for 16 years, was an independen­t skills trainer attached to the military as a civilian, so my job involved travelling at home and abroad.

Now that I’m settled, I keep myself busy playing golf and singing.

Pete and I had a few funny moments when we realised we had shared experience­s; we have both lived in borneo, the Middle East, Germany and Cyprus. It kept happening, so we shared a lot of stories.

He was a real gentleman and I could imagine him making an ideal partner. Sadly, though, our date proved to me that common ground doesn’t guarantee a spark.

I couldn’t fault him — he’s lovely — but I’m afraid I decided fairly early on that Pete wasn’t my type.

Although there are only three years between us in age, he felt more mature in his stature and manner. I feel I am young at heart and, while age isn’t a barrier to love, your mindset can be. We also didn’t share the same sense of humour — my humour is quite dry and not everyone gets it.

Since first impression­s are not always right, I decided to relax and enjoy our time together to see where it got us. It was a lovely afternoon and we chatted for hours.

I’m a really sociable person and enjoy meals out with friends and going to the cinema and the theatre. My last date was a couple of years ago, and I’ve had only one serious relationsh­ip since my divorce, many years ago.

I’ve been living on my own without a partner for about 13 years and I’m really happy that way, but I would love to experience once again that feeling of being the most important person in someone’s life.

I realise that might be unlikely at this age, and I don’t want 24‑hour attention, just a meaningful relationsh­ip. I’d be happy to meet a man aged anywhere between 57 and 75!

Although there was no spark with Pete, it was a really enjoyable date and it has made me think about making more of an effort to date again. Hopefully there is a fit for us all somewhere, but I’ll never find him if I don’t get out there and look. I have a comfortabl­e life and am quite happy, but it would be the icing on the cake to meet a colourful character who makes me laugh and is on the same wavelength as me. If he plays golf, all the better!

LIKED: His kind and gentle face, and his politeness.

REGRETS: None. COFFEE OR CAB? Coffee. Verdict: 8/10


I’VE bEEN involved in aviation all my life and, loving planes as much as I do — I have a little 70‑ year‑old plane I fly on a regular basis — I spend a lot of time at my local flying club. One day, I was having lunch there when I read the Daily Mail blind Date column and thought, why not?

I’ve been separated for six years and have three sons in their 30s and two granddaugh­ters. I’m keeping busy and active, but still it would be lovely to have someone to share good times with.

I’m hoping to find someone who enjoys travelling, dancing and dining out. Someone who enjoys life and is not too serious.

I’ve asked out three ladies my age recently, but all refused — sadly, I think they have decided they’re past the point of looking for romance.

I have a good lady companion, but she only wants to be friends.

I wasn’t nervous about the date. I got there first and sat at the bar. When Jeannie walked in, she seemed to recognise me immediatel­y — perhaps I was the only single man there! I walked around to meet her half way and I thought she was lovely — warm and welcoming, with a lovely figure. We were both probably a bit shy initially, but once we settled down to our meals we talked non‑stop for nearly four hours. Jeannie is very interestin­g and it amazed me the places she’s been. I’ve travelled a lot and have lived overseas for 13 years, including in Nigeria, Malaysia, borneo and Egypt. but she was able to match me, and it was great to swap stories of distant lands; having shared experience­s means you have a shared outlook on many things.

We talked a lot about our lives and how we both ended up where we are. We had a lot in common and the chat never stopped. There was lots of laughter and eye contact and smiling.

We were in no hurry to leave and, after starters and main courses, we had cheese and tea, too.

I asked for her number and although initially she was a little reluctant to give it to me, eventually she said yes.

We do live a bit far apart, but she sometimes comes to my area and I might end up in Cheltenham, so I would make the effort to meet up if that happened.

Overall it was a brilliant afternoon and we had a quick, mini‑hug goodbye.

For me it was a positive experience — although I might regret saying that when my friends in the Aero Club spot me in the paper and rib me about it!

Jeannie was lovely and it was so good to go on a date and spend time chatting to someone. The fact we had a lot in common allowed us both to relax into the conversati­on.

I’m off to Gibraltar for a month to stay with a friend, but when I get back, perhaps we can meet up. If it weren’t for the distance we would certainly meet up a few more times.

Isn’t it such a pity there are so many people like us, living alone and looking for love? LIKED: She was very bubbly.

REGRETS: None. COFFEE OR CAB? Coffee. Verdict: 10/10

Alas, common ground doesn’t always create a spark

She was reluctant to give me her number

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