Daily Mail

Teenager Ben found his home from home — as a state boarder


TEENAGER Ben Boulter enjoys stretching his sporting skills in rugby, volleyball and basketball as well as exercising his mind at a state boarding school.

The 14-year- old is a weekly boarder at Old Swinford Hospital (OSH), Stourbridg­e, West Midlands.

It is among 36 state boarding schools in the country, where parents pay only for the cost of boarding, not the education.

These schools boast high academic results and the fees are a fraction of those in the independen­t sector — costing £ 11,700 for full boarders at OSH.

Ben’s parents, Sharon, 47, a senior recruitmen­t trainer, and Nick, 52, a recruitmen­t director, from Barnett Green, West Midlands both work long hours and felt the school offered so much for Ben.

Ben says: ‘In Year Seven, I quickly made friends and joined in a range of extra curricular activities such as rugby, volleyball and basketball.

‘OSH has made me grow up very quickly and has given me a superb set of social skills, a mature outlook and the independen­ce to set me up for university. I wouldn’t change anything about the school. Matron is so caring and helpful. At OSH I strive to be the best and the school enables me to do that.’

Mrs Boulter said the family was impressed by the school during visits. She says: ‘If you have a state boarding school near you, you seriously should consider it.

‘ It’s not just a factory for GCSE results. OSH pushes for academic results but it also wants to bring out independen­t, confident young men who respect others. Since Ben’s been there he’s made so many friends. He’s been abroad and they have the diversity and inclusion of all walks of life.’

She adds: ‘Work is carefully monitored during the week, which leaves us to spend quality family time at the weekend. I would recommend OSH 100 per cent. It’s the best decision we’ve made.’

For details on old Swinford Hospital, go to oshsch.com

 ??  ?? Mature outlook: Old Swinford Hospital matron Julia Brockway (far left), pupil Ben Boulter and his mother Sharon
Mature outlook: Old Swinford Hospital matron Julia Brockway (far left), pupil Ben Boulter and his mother Sharon

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